Damm this is rather hard >

For me it would be
1.Dead can dance - Within the realm of a dying sun
2.Dead can dance - Into the labyrinth
3.Dead can dance - Aion
4.Laibach - WAT
5.Die form - Inhuman
But dag nab it there are sooo soooo much more All DCD albums are my favorite , I didnt even mention my favorite Blackmetal albums . Or my damm Rock-a-billy collection . .
Also the soundtracks from the movies im all into are all of the Lord of the rings trilogy , Conan the barbarian , Braveheart ( i dig bagpipes ) , Gladiator , Schindlers List . etc etc
Im a big fan of Mozart also !! :bowdown:
Damm i could talk about my music forever , music is my life :hatsoff: , Well that and Bella :nanner: