Chosen Ones: There Is a Sacred Calling in Your Isolation - You Were Chosen for This!

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Chosen Ones If You Feel Different This Is Your CONFIRMATION and Your Time Has Come, The path of the chosen ones is seldom easy, for it requires one to detach from the collective illusions of the material world, For those who are chosen ones, isolation is not a detour-it is a crucial phase of ascension.
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Комментарии • 48

  • @sherrycarroll2387
    @sherrycarroll2387 26 дней назад +4

    ❤ I am alone. I am in India from America. You are a lifeline. I remarked just yesterday that I am surrounded by so many but I prefer to be alone. It has been over a year now that I am called to that state of being. It is 2AM here and I woke up and found your message. Tears flow and I thank you for your message. I resonate with every word. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you have done for me. You sharing your messages have been pivotal in my growth. Sending love and light to you. Thank you ❤ 🙏😇🥰💖

  • @windridr66
    @windridr66 26 дней назад +9

    I would not have time to do my work if I were out in the world. Shine on, dear friends.

  • @marilynnjacobsen1077
    @marilynnjacobsen1077 26 дней назад +36

    Being around others is hard to do if they are not on the same path. I prefer to be alone and have for 20 years. It gets easier the older you get, too. Don't expect anyone to change until they want to. Change yourself first, love yourself first, and forgive yourself first as you do others. Walk away into the 5th dimension. ✨️🩷

    • @sandrashevel2137
      @sandrashevel2137 26 дней назад +4

      I feel the same

    • @joannesfishininthered1172
      @joannesfishininthered1172 26 дней назад +2

      Beautifully said 😢it brought tears to my eyes. ❤ 👍

    • @sherrycarroll2387
      @sherrycarroll2387 26 дней назад +1

      Wise words indeed ❤

    • @codybanks9944
      @codybanks9944 26 дней назад

      I learned many decades ago that Everyone is doing the Best that they can at their present Level of Awareness, including Ourselves. (Most people WANT to do their best by Nature, it's The Societies/Governments of "this" World and Nurture/Wrong/Agenda Teachings that can change this.) We cannot expect any better from Other's or Ourselves until our/their Level of Awareness Increases. As was stated above, you really do have to GO INSIDE before Going Outside of Yourself to fully enjoy our Journey Here. Once you "Learn" how to be your own Best Friend and Positive Supporter, it becomes quite easy to forgive yourself and others. Just Let Go of perceived "Control" and Learn to "Feel" the Rhythm and Flow of Life around you. Once you do this it's kinda like when Children "Watch and Time" just WHEN to enter the Spinning Jump Rope that the Children at each end are turning. They don't always make it without disruption, but when they do it's fun and they feel connected in the Moment/Action. Their Energy/Activity "Harmonizes" for a time. Life is very much like this. When you FORCE or RUSH events they usually are never as Wonderful as when they take place in their natural Rhythm and Flow of Energy. For "Me" it seems that so long as I stay Aware and keep doing what "Needs to be Done, When it needs to be Done things tend to just Flow and not seem rushed or panicky. (That last sentence was my take on "If you do what needs to done when it needs to done, then you can do What you Want to do When you want to do it. lol )
      To help myself stay in Tune with my Life's Journey I like to THINK to myself before going to sleep, "What can I do tomorrow that will make it even more Wonderful than Today was?" There is no way I could ever convey just how Helpful, Positive, and Relaxing that thought routine has been for me over the Decades. I basically just think back to the Fun and Positive things that went on earlier and then re-live/focus on what I FELT that day and drift off to sleep in mid memory most times. (No worries of what I "might" face the next day before going to sleep.) Then if I'm able to remember anything of my Dreams when I awake I write them down first thing.
      Two things I've kept with me that seem to help are, 1.) "F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real" is accurate about 90% of the time so stop WORRYING!! lol 2.) Worry is Emotional Energy Interest being PAID on a Debt that has NOT yet come Due......and may never come due. Our IMAGINATION is a very Strong force in our lives, which like anything else can be used Positively or Negatively.
      I will end this post with, "You were Born as a Unique and ORIGINAL Being, don't Die as just a Copy!! ;~) )

    • @codybanks9944
      @codybanks9944 26 дней назад

      I learned many decades ago that Everyone is doing the Best that they can at their present Level of Awareness, including Ourselves. (Most people WANT to do their best by Nature, it's The Societies/Governments of "this" World and Nurture/Wrong/Agenda Teachings that can change this.) We cannot expect any better from Other's or Ourselves until our/their Level of Awareness Increases. As was stated above, you really do have to GO INSIDE before Going Outside of Yourself to fully enjoy our Journey Here. Once you "Learn" how to be your own Best Friend and Positive Supporter, it becomes quite easy to forgive yourself and others. Just Let Go of perceived "Control" and Learn to "Feel" the Rhythm and Flow of Life around you. Once you do this it's kinda like when Children "Watch and Time" just WHEN to enter the Spinning Jump Rope that the Children at each end are turning. They don't always make it without disruption, but when they do it's fun and they feel connected in the Moment/Action. Their Energy/Activity "Harmonizes" for a time. Life is very much like this. When you FORCE or RUSH events they usually are never as Wonderful as when they take place in their natural Rhythm and Flow of Energy. For "Me" it seems that so long as I stay Aware and keep doing what "Needs to be Done, When it needs to be Done things tend to just Flow and not seem rushed or panicky. (That last sentence was my take on "If you do what needs to done when it needs to done, then you can do What you Want to do When you want to do it. lol )
      To help myself stay in Tune with my Life's Journey I like to THINK to myself before going to sleep, "What can I do tomorrow that will make it even more Wonderful than Today was?" There is no way I could ever convey just how Helpful, Positive, and Relaxing that thought routine has been for me over the Decades. I basically just think back to the Fun and Positive things that went on earlier and then re-live/focus on what I FELT that day and drift off to sleep in mid memory most times. (No worries of what I "might" face the next day before going to sleep.) Then if I'm able to remember anything of my Dreams when I awake I write them down first thing.
      Two things I've kept with me that seem to help are, 1.) "F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real" is accurate about 90% of the time so stop WORRYING!! lol 2.) Worry is Emotional Energy Interest being PAID on a Debt that has NOT yet come Due......and may never come due. Our IMAGINATION is a very Strong force in our lives, which like anything else can be used Positively or Negatively.
      I will end this post with, "You were Born as a Unique and ORIGINAL Being, don't Die as just a Copy!! ;~) )

  • @leahketay
    @leahketay 26 дней назад +1

    I hope the intense heart beats I keep getting are because I am ascending. I wish to involve myself with raising my frequency by immersing myself in a spirit of humility and purity. I’m trying to learn and grow. I’m devoting myself to serving Lord Jesus.

  • @socalsays
    @socalsays 26 дней назад +11

    Massive love to you all family

  • @christupper0
    @christupper0 26 дней назад +6

    💚⚡️♾️ WE ARE ONE ♾️⚡️💚

  • @sandrashevel2137
    @sandrashevel2137 26 дней назад +4

    Awake and awaiting

  • @victoriaroe8977
    @victoriaroe8977 26 дней назад

    LOVE to ALL of the ALL...✨️💗✨️

  • @netteleverett4871
    @netteleverett4871 26 дней назад +7

    What a wonderful time to be aligned AND alive👁️🤎🤎🤎

  • @Iamtheoverlander
    @Iamtheoverlander 26 дней назад +7

    Don't forget to stretch brothers and sisters ❤😇🙏

    • @krisscott4826
      @krisscott4826 26 дней назад +1

      Do you mean physical stretching?

    • @Iamtheoverlander
      @Iamtheoverlander 26 дней назад +3

      @ yes ❤️ yoga is a great start. We need to stretch our facia. It raises our vibration and makes us feel extremely good and when we feel good, we’re gonna get a lot more good coming to us. I was never stretcher and used to laugh at it but I am a living embodiment of it and I know from my own experience that it works so well that if you follow through with it that you can thank me later. Stretching before a meditation will even take you into a deeper meditation. ❤️ much love
      Ben 😇

  • @piahelenakofoed6170
    @piahelenakofoed6170 26 дней назад +2

    Soo grateful ✨️💚✨️ Soo true fore me
    May all humans feel fredom and love in there hearts ✨️🙏

  • @user-fl2qe8sq5e
    @user-fl2qe8sq5e 26 дней назад +2

    I am awake

  • @amysinspirations1719
    @amysinspirations1719 26 дней назад +2

    Eternal gratitude and love ♥️

  • @Brendan-the-Navigator
    @Brendan-the-Navigator 26 дней назад


  • @juneneil1524
    @juneneil1524 26 дней назад

    Thank you, this came through precisely the right time 💓🧬

  • @aligned1withdivine
    @aligned1withdivine 25 дней назад

    I trust in the divine timing of my life 🙏💫✨

  • @luisibarra6737
    @luisibarra6737 26 дней назад

    Let's do this 🔥

  • @mvsuarez2308
    @mvsuarez2308 26 дней назад

    So special words , thanks.
    Light & Love & freedom to all humanity..

  • @gilliangreen7097
    @gilliangreen7097 26 дней назад

    Thank you for this message💖🙏

  • @louannelong6219
    @louannelong6219 26 дней назад


  • @kingbeyboii5622
    @kingbeyboii5622 26 дней назад +3


  • @steveestrada2067
    @steveestrada2067 26 дней назад +2


  • @sheliadean9548
    @sheliadean9548 26 дней назад +2

    Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @deenaleenastore1058
    @deenaleenastore1058 26 дней назад

    So humble grateful, Thank you 🙏 ❤🙌👁️

  • @Hugo-ol2sc
    @Hugo-ol2sc 25 дней назад

    It is as it is presented,
    Thank You Thank You Thank You

  • @katarzynabeckett2865
    @katarzynabeckett2865 23 дня назад

    Thankyou ❤❤❤❤❤❤⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️💕

  • @andrewnajar8755
    @andrewnajar8755 25 дней назад

    Thank you

  • @francisromelieroullo1084
    @francisromelieroullo1084 26 дней назад


  • @Virgovixen10
    @Virgovixen10 26 дней назад +3


  • @mastery777
    @mastery777 23 дня назад


  • @MichaelSinyangwe-p3j
    @MichaelSinyangwe-p3j 26 дней назад +1


  • @RodicaSeren
    @RodicaSeren 25 дней назад

    Hello Sir😁👋

  • @rebeccapowell4338
    @rebeccapowell4338 26 дней назад +1


  • @maxxone
    @maxxone 26 дней назад +5

    * 144 *

  • @Lorna-36912-MerQabA
    @Lorna-36912-MerQabA 26 дней назад +2

    🌬🐈♾️🌀♾️🐈🌬 ~~~~☆🌀"Law of opposits n attracshun"... Atlantis n Lemuria... DIVINE Masculin n Feminin... "Law of reflecshun n unity"... LUVnPEAC bluvd familia🌀☆~~~~

  • @WadeWoodruff
    @WadeWoodruff 26 дней назад

    I'm Number 366 on the Like Button list 👍

  • @krisscott4826
    @krisscott4826 26 дней назад

    Where is the e book found?

  • @benpaulharris9697
    @benpaulharris9697 26 дней назад
