🕵️ Which Strap Leaf Anthurium is the Best? Find Out Here! 🌱

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 54

  • @onestrangeanimal3212
    @onestrangeanimal3212 7 месяцев назад +3

    I have two strap leaf anthuriums. A beautiful pallidiflorum with some massive leaves and a small wendlingeri that is just putting out its first new leaf in my care. Its leaves are rather dark and matte so, at present, I find the pallidiflorum's leaves much more beautiful. The pallidiflorum has also sized up really nicely.

  • @tierrawilliams4849
    @tierrawilliams4849 4 месяца назад +1

    Been thinking about getting into Anthuirums and I like the strappy ones most. I also like the ordinary dark leaves like the dark flamingo ones. I’ll keep thinking about it. 😊

  • @carolstuff
    @carolstuff 7 месяцев назад +4

    Strap leaf anthuriums are my faves! I have the pallidiflorum & vittarifolium. The Wendl is on my wishlist. Thanks for sharing Memo!

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +2

      Strap leaf anthuriums are the best! 🥰 Pallidiflorum and vittarifolium are gorgeous, and I hope you get a wendlingeri soon-it’s a must-have for sure! Thanks for watching and sharing your love for these beauties Carol! 🌱

  • @lauriepeterson3450
    @lauriepeterson3450 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing all your knowledge

  • @AbelSerra-u5y
    @AbelSerra-u5y 6 месяцев назад +1

    I have one pallidiflorum for five months from ecua that I mounted on a big cork bark with some aroid mix and sphagnum moss. I water it every three or four days and I fertilize it every two waterings with an organic fertilazer at half. It seems to be happy with leaves around 50cm. Thanks Memo for you videos!

  • @CarolSummersNash
    @CarolSummersNash 7 месяцев назад +4

    I got my Wendy about five years ago. She grew fast. Within 18 months she bloomed and had 3 three foot long leaves. I’ve never managed to pollinate mine though she seems to bloom every six months. The berries are bright red. The corkscrew flowers are wonderful butI would love to havethe whole show complete with berries. She is in semi-hydro (pon). She is VERY thirsty!! She is in a ten inch mesh pot. i’m going have to repot her into a regular pot or possibly a clear nondraining pot because I’m watering her every day. She now has 9 leaves (the newest leaf is four feet long) and two flowers. Wendy is definitely my most impressive anthurium. Thank you for the suggestion about moving some plants back into soil. I have some other anthuriums that are struggling in semi-hydro. Maybe that’s the solution. Thanks

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Your Wendy sounds absolutely stunning! 🌟 4-foot leaves and corkscrew flowers? Amazing! It’s tricky to keep up with those thirsty plants, but it sounds like she’s thriving under your care. Switching back to soil for some plants might give them a boost-good luck! 🌿

  • @tanya.quintieri
    @tanya.quintieri 7 месяцев назад +3

    I love all my straps. I have a couple of vittariifolium throughout the house. The one in my plant room gets watered like 8 to 10 times a year. The one in my office maybe twice a month. My friedrichsthalii is on a shelf in the kitchen and grows like a weed. It sits there along with the pallidiflorum. Recently, I had to chop my lutheri - what a PITA. But now I have a few props so that I can experiment with different setups. My others are wendlingeri, a wendlingeri x scherzerianum, bakeri, and morona (the strap leaf, not that heart-shaped one sold by Ecua). I think that's it. :D They are all so resistant to pests and neglect. But all of mine are in an aroid mix.

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey Tanya 👋 Your straps sound like they’re thriving, especially with that varied care routine! 🌿 Friedrichsthalii growing like a weed in the kitchen-love it, mine is kinda getting there too now, such a cool anthurium! Sounds like you’ve got a great setup. And yes, props are always a fun experiment! 😊

  • @hedgewitch59
    @hedgewitch59 6 месяцев назад +1


    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  4 месяца назад

      Of course no problem at all and thank you so much for the super thanks 🙌🙌💚

  • @Plantdaddytips
    @Plantdaddytips 3 месяца назад

    My vitarifolium grows slow but my Pallidiflorum grows fast and flowers all the time. It's sort of wild I purchased them both at the same time.

  • @meredithdavis5167
    @meredithdavis5167 7 месяцев назад

    Wendlingeri is the next plant I buy once it cools off a bit here in Tucson. I have a couple pallidiflorum, a vittarifolium in no drainage Pon that's doing great, and a pendens (also no drainage but with moss on top) that's just hitting its stride. Oh, and a gracile in no drainage. That one is amazing. I've been thinking about the friedrichsthalii is one I've been considering - and now even moreso! Thanks for the great video! You never fail to inform and entertain!

  • @superarild
    @superarild 7 месяцев назад +2

    omg thank you!!! I had no idea what I wanted to watch, and then you come up with the perfect video! I love strap leaf anthurium! I recently got a vittarifolium and I love it, but it got me wondering, is there more?

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Omg, I'm so glad this video hit the spot for you! 🌿 Strap leaf anthuriums are amazing, right? Vittarifolium is a beauty, and yes, there are definitely more! some of the commenters above have mentioned some amazing other options-I think you'll love them too! 🌱

  • @plantytotalkabout
    @plantytotalkabout 7 месяцев назад +2

    Oh my goodness LOVE my Strappies! I have the A. Vittar, A Bakeri, and A. Palida and I believe the Vittar is wayyyy mor chill and willing to push out a great leaf however the palida is from Wuhoo tropicals and sometimes will allow the leaves to go crooked like a elbo and curls in on itself aswell! 😂 every once in a while more so than others! I recently just purchased a second starter A. Vittar from a friend for $2 and it looks like she might have mixed up her A. Wendy seedlings and I might have lucked up on it! 🤞🏼😂 I’m waiting on the next leaf or it to mature a little in order to say for certain but I’m soooooo hoping I won the lottery by accident! Great video as always Memo!!!!!

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Wow, what a collection! Vittarifolium really is a champ, and I’m so curious to see what your new plant turns out to be-fingers crossed it’s a wendlingeri! 🤞🏼 Thanks for sharing your story-loved hearing about your strappies! 😊

  • @Carey.S75
    @Carey.S75 7 месяцев назад +2

    I'm so happy you did this video on strappy leaf Anthuriums. I only have the vittarofolium. I had heard it was a nice, easy one to start with, so I purchased a seedling. There ended up being 3 seedlings in the package, and then I received another seedling in a giveaway bundle. So now I have 4 vitts 😂 I'm really not sure whether to grow them all separately or try and plant them all together. Might be an interesting experience 🤔🤣 Thank you for a timely video 🙌🙌🫶🏻

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey Carey, Wow, 4 vittarifoliums, I didn't know that about your collection? You’re definitely winning in the strappy leaf department! 😂 It could be fun to try growing them together-might create a really lush display! Thanks for sharing your story, and I’m so glad you enjoyed the video! 🙌

  • @clairepook2703
    @clairepook2703 6 месяцев назад

    They are beautiful

  • @mikeeverett6234
    @mikeeverett6234 7 месяцев назад +1

    My favorite anthurium vittarifolium my favorite plant-tuber my favorite Genie or Jinn look a like idk which lol I say that in the most sincere complementary way your look is otherworldly and amazing

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you, Mike! 😊 Vittarifolium is such a stunner, and I'm so glad you love it too! And wow, what a compliment! I’m flattered-maybe I’ve got a bit of plant magic in me, haha! 🌟

  • @agathan.944
    @agathan.944 7 месяцев назад +2

    I have two plants that you may find interesting to add to your collection in the future. Anthurium sp Morona looks like a long leaf Philodendron. And Philodendron Campii, which looks like a "bird nest" Anthurium.

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Those sound like fascinating additions! Anthurium sp. Morona and Philodendron Campii would definitely make a unique pair in any collection. I’ll have to look into those-thanks for the tip! 🌿

  • @agneslazarenko2653
    @agneslazarenko2653 7 месяцев назад +2

    Lovely❤. I'd love to have one of them, but they are still too expensive for me

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! 😊 I totally get it-these plants can be pricey. Keep an eye out for deals, though! Sometimes you can find a great bargain when you least expect it. 🌿

  • @SparkleInMoonlight
    @SparkleInMoonlight 7 месяцев назад +1

    Cool idea for a video :-) I´d love to get A. pallidiflorum because I saw it in person and instantly fell in love with it. Now I´m only waiting for it to be restocked somewhere. Also I´d like to get vittarifolium and wendlindgeri, but those are much harder to get here. But I find all of them very pretty :-)
    It´s funny how much you enjoy Soil Ninja´s Anthurium mix 🙂 It´s a true life saver (at least for my anthuriums and hoya - they love it).

    • @dianamassimo
      @dianamassimo 7 месяцев назад +2

      I don't know if you're in the states, but I bought the palidiflorun from ecuagenera us

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +1

      Pallidiflorum is such a dream! 😍 I hope you can snag one soon-definitely worth the wait! And yes, Soil Ninja’s mix is a lifesaver; my plants are thriving with it too! Good luck with your search for vittarifolium and wendlingeri-they're worth the hunt! 🌿

  • @sherryporsch9349
    @sherryporsch9349 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hey Memo Not the best looking but I’ve sat my pallid inside of a clay orchid pot to keep it from flipping over. Works great 👍🏼

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      That’s a clever solution! 👍 Keeping it stable is key, especially with those tall, top-heavy plants. Glad it’s working out for you!

  • @hedgewitch59
    @hedgewitch59 6 месяцев назад

    Hi Memo. I love my pendant anthuriums and have a decent collection but I found out yesterday that the Wendlingeri has two types. The corkscrew inflorescence and a straight one. I don't know which mine is but regardless, I adore it. Love your channel. It's the best. One thing....not many people state their growing temperatures (lows to highs). Could you consider that please? 🙏

  • @ro.renn.garland
    @ro.renn.garland 4 месяца назад

    I have a few seeds of A. bakeri that I got a while back but they are still really tiny (a few cm tall) and I'm not so sure I'm going to like them much when they mature because I think they aren't a velvety type of Anthurium. I'm still excited that I get to see them grow into mature plants though. I'm just a sucker for velvet Anthuriums! I've been looking at the different types of strap leaf Anthurium online for a while now but I've always struggled to understand their differences as the photos online can have so many variations in lighting it's hard to get an idea of what a specific species actually looks like. Are all the Anthurium shown in this video velvety? And is the Pallidiflorum a velvet Anthurium? I definitely want to get one...( or all)... of these strappy Anthurium one day. It's just hard to choose. Anyway, thanks for the video I've learnt a lot!

  • @DasKaddelchen
    @DasKaddelchen 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for this video 😀 I'm not really into Anthurium but always liked the look of the pendant ones. So with me not having any experience with the genus the A. vittarifolium would be a beginner-friendly Anthurium?

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed the video! 😊 Yes, vittarifolium is definitely a good starter for those new to Anthuriums. It’s pretty easygoing and rewarding to grow-definitely worth a try if you’re curious about the genus! 🌿

  • @LauranceTanza
    @LauranceTanza 6 месяцев назад

    I have all my anthuriums mounted in bark, sphagnum moss with a burlap pouch that I created according to the look of the plants. Of all the anthuriums, the pendens and Anthurium Vittarifolium are doing the best. I know not many people will take the risk of mounting anthuriums but it works very well for me as it is natural of their growth in nature.

  • @suzibailey5150
    @suzibailey5150 6 месяцев назад

    I got a Wendlingeri the other day in a Surprise Anthurium box. I put it in semi hydro, but now I'm wondering if I should put it in soil mix? It's my first strap leaf anthurium.

  • @vicky3792
    @vicky3792 7 месяцев назад +1

    I’ve heard there are two types of wendlingeri, corkscrew and straight flowering types. If that is true I’m just hoping I got the corkscrew one. I have the vittarifolium but it’s small and I have a gracile which is and isn’t pendant lol. I want the pallidiflotum and a variegated vittarifolium. Maybe more lol.

    • @michellearmstrong6732
      @michellearmstrong6732 7 месяцев назад +3

      @vicky3792 that's correct..there are 2 wendlingeri. I have both & the leaves are slightly different. The curly spadix form is my favourite..the straight spadix is not that accessible..so chances are u have the curly one.

    • @vicky3792
      @vicky3792 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@michellearmstrong6732 thank you for clarifying that. Appreciate it. 🥰

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, there are two types of wendlingeri, and the corkscrew one is truly special! 🌱 Fingers crossed that’s the one you have! And a variegated vittarifolium? 😍 That would be a gem in any collection. Good luck adding more to your wishlist! 🌟

  • @sz1502
    @sz1502 7 месяцев назад

    best luck with your Wendl ! mine has grown for a year plus and it is stunning

  • @od.vandeveer
    @od.vandeveer 7 месяцев назад +1

    I have 2 nice pallidiflorum, 60cm liong leaves and not difficult. My vittarifolium and grcilis are grown from seed and slow, maybe I'll repot them in soil

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Wow, your pallidiflorum sounds amazing! 60cm leaves? 😲 That's impressive! Repotting might help speed up the growth of your vittarifolium and gracile-sometimes a little more room can make all the difference! 🌱

    • @od.vandeveer
      @od.vandeveer 7 месяцев назад

      @@Houseplantygoodness I got them that size from ecuagenera. I was amazed when unpacking and they dont really size up but also dont get smaller.

  • @loriedmundson782
    @loriedmundson782 7 месяцев назад +1

    Really like the look of the pendant anthuriums, but the placement of windows and furniture make it impossible to have a shelf set up. 😢

    • @Gaara-zu3ev
      @Gaara-zu3ev 7 месяцев назад +2

      I hung my pots with pendant anthuriums, they look great in the window

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +1

      Pendant anthuriums do have such a unique look! Maybe you could try hanging them instead of using shelves? They’d look great in a hanging setup! But I totally get the struggle with space. 😅

  • @Roatanlova68fmp71lliiiak
    @Roatanlova68fmp71lliiiak 7 месяцев назад +2

    My Freddie wont grow straight, hes a curly boi!

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад +1

      Haha, Freddie sounds like he has a lot of personality! 😄 Curly leaves can be so charming-he’s definitely making a statement!

  • @digitaalcanon9973
    @digitaalcanon9973 7 месяцев назад +1

    Sas efcharistó polý

    • @Houseplantygoodness
      @Houseplantygoodness  7 месяцев назад

      Ευχαριστώ πολύ! 😊 So happy you enjoyed the video!