World's Most Pick-me Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 3,6 тыс.

  • @hospitable_ghost
    @hospitable_ghost Месяц назад +10410

    These guys give "we're only nice to women we're attracted to" energy SO hard.

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +8

      i dont care loll,,.

    • @honeyeggs9145
      @honeyeggs9145 Месяц назад

      @@ville-c4u girl shut UP

    • @sukaenacornelius9285
      @sukaenacornelius9285 Месяц назад +31

      Maybe. But as period having person. If a guy is comfortable enough with me. I would appreciate it. Also, I think a man sharing certain fetishes are much closer than others. For example, swingers I know. They love so much more. My boss, also beautiful Indian woman is swinger, and she loves her husband but she likes sharing him and being shared and they are very tight with each other never fight. Couples that share crazy dark things together just brings a different level of connection.

    • @solus8685
      @solus8685 Месяц назад +160

      Lmao that's most men tho. Coming from someone who went through a major change appearance-wise

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      @@solus8685 I'm a 30+ year old media creator with aspergers syndrome who is a jack of all trades with a passion for fighting against cyberbullying. I've been doing these kinds of things for over 10 years and I've picked up a whole set of different skills along the way.

  • @FrenkTheJoy
    @FrenkTheJoy Месяц назад +10034

    Yeah as a woman I think it's great if a guy is totally fine having sex with a woman on her period but also that it's weird to be *excited* about it unless you ARE a vampire.

    • @selenadamman8417
      @selenadamman8417 Месяц назад +728

      Right like wdym excited, im extremely uncomfortable, bloated and i feel gross all the time why would YOU be EXCITED?😭

    • @aquademoney
      @aquademoney Месяц назад +92


    • @Chucanelli
      @Chucanelli Месяц назад +159

      Yeah, if he’a a vampire it’s fine

    • @TheQueenOfSheba
      @TheQueenOfSheba Месяц назад +139

      Right like does this dude think he’s Astarion… chill bro 😭🤣

    • @arsonfrog69__97
      @arsonfrog69__97 Месяц назад

      yeah that's fuckin weird... why would you be excited about getting all gross and bloody?

  • @vglycorpse2001
    @vglycorpse2001 Месяц назад +5469

    Bro all we wanted was for periods to be normalized not fetishized and picked apart like a level 1 philosophy class 😭😭😭

    • @kadenshoemaker6669
      @kadenshoemaker6669 Месяц назад +16

      Ew periods fetishized yucky ew i think its interesting on a science level and is pretty cool but its quite nasty ik you probably dont care as a guy thats my opinion

    • @cinesbian
      @cinesbian Месяц назад +152

      ​@@kadenshoemaker6669 you're right we don't

    • @Em-tj6rh
      @Em-tj6rh Месяц назад +55

      @@kadenshoemaker6669are you 2 yrs old? Nah that’s an insult to toddlers

    • @kadenshoemaker6669
      @kadenshoemaker6669 Месяц назад +1

      @@Em-tj6rh nah lol i should be tho

    • @kadenshoemaker6669
      @kadenshoemaker6669 Месяц назад +1

      @@Em-tj6rh i also typed this at 4 in the morning on over 48 hours since i last sleept i then proceeded to pass the hell out lol

  • @lucyanderson6841
    @lucyanderson6841 Месяц назад +6579

    This podcast is PEAK men who try mushrooms once and discover empathy but it goes wrong

    • @ToffeeGoblin
      @ToffeeGoblin Месяц назад +221

      "Man I wish men were just more empathetic to others"
      *Monkeys Paw curls*

    • @Kregi-u9y
      @Kregi-u9y Месяц назад +72

      They‘re so dumb and poetic

    • @Itsatragedeigh
      @Itsatragedeigh Месяц назад +17

      Exactly this 😂

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      I'm better than jarvis

    • @Feverm00n
      @Feverm00n Месяц назад +9

      @@ToffeeGoblin lmao oh god it probably would go exactly like that

  • @seethreepio
    @seethreepio Месяц назад +12218

    “i believe period blood has a divinity to it, it has healing properties” i can assure you that most period-havers feel the furthest thing from divine and healed during that week wtf

    • @vajaybles2898
      @vajaybles2898 Месяц назад +864

      Actively dealing with satans water fall right now, and Im feeling like a balloon animal cosplaying as Adam Sandler.

    • @kaffmas
      @kaffmas Месяц назад +385

      LITERALLY. during my period i am bloated, i’m almost always breaking out, and i feel so incredibly gross the entire few days. i am the furthest from divinity at that point in the month 😭

    • @Blueell
      @Blueell Месяц назад

      @@vajaybles2898this is one of those phrases that is going to stick with me for a long time thank you so much for the new description

    • @seethreepio
      @seethreepio Месяц назад +244

      @@vajaybles2898 u are the modern Shakespeare

    • @Rattywithafattyy
      @Rattywithafattyy Месяц назад

      Girl I feel a divine need to jump when I have mine

  • @Altair718
    @Altair718 Месяц назад +1615

    Dude literally could've just said 'yeah, as long as my partner is down too.' But no, he just had to make it weird lol

  • @FritsaAndFuritsa
    @FritsaAndFuritsa Месяц назад +9134

    "I'm pregnant with glee when I look upon thee"
    I'm using this

    • @roachno.24
      @roachno.24 Месяц назад +81

      its the best thing ive ever heard jarvis say

    • @VitoPlaysGames
      @VitoPlaysGames Месяц назад +10


    • @4cannibal
      @4cannibal Месяц назад +39

      that's a whole different sentence

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +3

      I don't care lol.

    • @laurelius995
      @laurelius995 Месяц назад +12

      @@ville-c4uno one’s entitled to your carelessness. everyone is however entitled to speak their mind, and you have exposed your immaturity and narcissistic traits.

  • @gabiinprogress
    @gabiinprogress Месяц назад +6406

    “mythologizing the labia” is maybe the most insane phrase I’ve ever encountered

    • @ToffeeGoblin
      @ToffeeGoblin Месяц назад +132

      Gonna start branding a gendered equivalent of those douchy 'the man, the myth the legend' fratboy shirts. But instead its something like. 'The idol, the soul tie, the mythical (labia)'.

    • @Kiwisushi0
      @Kiwisushi0 Месяц назад +11

      And yet it’s so accurate 😅

    • @certifiedidiot4058
      @certifiedidiot4058 Месяц назад

      who up mythologizing thier labia?

    • @calinac1671
      @calinac1671 Месяц назад +17

      hehe 666 likes but yes it is insane. i dont think these types of men understand what respecting a woman means. idk why most of them think over sexualizing and fetishizing a part of afabs life is respect because at least it isnt hatred and disgust???

    • @Feverm00n
      @Feverm00n Месяц назад +6

      Dude it made me cackle

  • @Meow_Tse-Tung
    @Meow_Tse-Tung Месяц назад +1298

    Calling an IUD a nice little surprise when you're talking about sex is one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard someone say.

    • @WanderingJellyfish_0081
      @WanderingJellyfish_0081 Месяц назад +36

      Yeah, I don't think anyone with an IUD inserted would think of it the same way

    • @justmagdalenadownhere
      @justmagdalenadownhere Месяц назад +5

      @@Meow_Tse-Tung i fucking love your username i just needed you to know that

    • @Meow_Tse-Tung
      @Meow_Tse-Tung Месяц назад +14

      @@justmagdalenadownhere It's in honor of my first cat nicknamed Kitty, who's real name was Chairman Meow. He was best friends with the one on my profile, Klaus. RIP Kitty (2011-2018)

    • @lynn-Ryo
      @lynn-Ryo 19 дней назад

      ​@@Meow_Tse-Tungthat is hands down one of the best cat names I've ever heard and I heard a lot of good ones

    • @Meow_Tse-Tung
      @Meow_Tse-Tung 18 дней назад +1

      @@lynn-Ryo It was the name of my first cat, Chairman Meow (R.I.P. 2011-2018). Klaus is my profile picture, but the name is in honor of my first little man.

  • @ashton7981
    @ashton7981 Месяц назад +4026

    Him saying "yeah I think periods are hot" would somehow have been a million times more normal than whatever the fuck he said about divine healing and soul ties.

    • @AliceBunny05
      @AliceBunny05 Месяц назад

      agreed. I think at that point you could just say, okay he has a particular kink, and move on. it's really not unheard of for people to be infatuated with bodily functions. people who are not generally involved with kink would be surprised about the sheer amount of people who greatly "enjoy" piss.

    • @carnuatus
      @carnuatus Месяц назад +257

      RIGHT?? like having kinks or whatever is fine but how he's trying to package it is so fucking weird.

    • @kurlykayla9013
      @kurlykayla9013 Месяц назад

      The fact so many men can only "appreciate" women and their bodies in the context of sex is pathetic.

    • @kitsterangel
      @kitsterangel Месяц назад +97

      Right? Like I think him saying he has a fetish for it would be less weird 💀

    • @vincentgeiszler3749
      @vincentgeiszler3749 Месяц назад +81

      Right? First one is “oh a kink, cool” but instead he just sounds like he’s fucking insane

  • @gotmilk9764
    @gotmilk9764 Месяц назад +6142

    The dudes talking about how an IUD hurts for THEM is so detached and gross

    • @mudsywudsy
      @mudsywudsy Месяц назад +276

      right like boohoo /nay

    • @eileen1300
      @eileen1300 Месяц назад

      It's also misinformation. The metal portion of an IUD is fully contained in the uterus. If anyone can feel metal and not just the string that IUD is not in place and needs to be fixed by a professional, not just a side comment about fake sexual escapades

    • @Chucanelli
      @Chucanelli Месяц назад +634

      I had an IUD for 10 years and I’ve asked everyone I slept with, not one of them could feel it at all

    • @Vanity0666
      @Vanity0666 Месяц назад

      ​@@Chucanellilubrication goes a very long way

    • @Millie-um2bi
      @Millie-um2bi Месяц назад +559

      @@Chucanelli I've slept with multiple people with IUDs and I could only feel it in one person. It was pretty sharp and painful to hit 😭and yeah we had to be careful about angles otherwise it was a bad time . From memory their cervix was located in a fairly shallow place, maybe more so than most people. Definitely not a common thing.

  • @rachell1794
    @rachell1794 Месяц назад +679

    "i would cry about it, it's my job" puts SOO much indirect pressure on a woman to finish, that if she doesn't finish then he'll feel bad. And it's literally that stress that can block it from happening. (for anyone who's interested in learning more, I recommend the book Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, PhD -- VERY insightful)

    • @LVDani
      @LVDani Месяц назад +5

      Agree! I’ll check out this book.

    • @meenakshious
      @meenakshious Месяц назад +1

      Agreed! Thank you for saying this!

    • @Aros4
      @Aros4 24 дня назад

      THABK YOU I CAME HERE TO MAKE THAT EXACT COMMENT AND LIKE SOCIETY ALREADY MAKES US FEEL LIKE THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH OUR BODIES AND THIS ONLY MAKES US FEEL EVEN FUCKING WORSE. Like bro the first time I did it I didn’t orgasm and like he got so fucking sad because how could he be such a bad boyfriend and whatever tf and like I ENDED UP CONSOLING HIM telling HIM that I actually enjoyed it and I don’t need to orgasm but he was so insecure that I just was never able to actually enjoy it and since the pressure was put ON ME I thought I WAS THE PROBLEM. I thought I had a dysfunction and that that was just the way that I was and I felt so goddamn ashamed of it and was so distressed until years later I had a different partner who didn’t put that on me and made me feel like a damn human and I realized that it was NEVER ME. The fucking relief I felt because all along I was trying to figure out why it was that I felt this way but didn’t feel asexual either (a hella valid identity btw) so I was just very sexually anxious and insecure. It was a relief because I realized that what I had been feeling was my body and mind protecting me from something that they deemed to cause me distress and so much pressure to perform. All along what I needed was someone who listened to me, who had no expectations, and made me feel relaxed and safe who would’ve thunk!

    • @izzybobizzyy
      @izzybobizzyy 18 дней назад +1

      kurt’s legacy lol

  • @turntechgodbeheaded
    @turntechgodbeheaded Месяц назад +8982

    Turning women’s bodies into the divine is another form of extreme dehumanization; divinity is abstract, and it doesn’t require a person to really be attached. Divinity is a concept, a woman is a person

    • @chunkygrass
      @chunkygrass Месяц назад

      right like …its just a vagina…

    • @elisecode2212
      @elisecode2212 Месяц назад +456

      Right, some guys call women goddesses, I’m like, no, I’m a person. Not less and not more.

    • @editorhenry625
      @editorhenry625 Месяц назад +182

      this is such a perfectly succinct way to put it !!

    • @karolmongiello2725
      @karolmongiello2725 Месяц назад +61

      This is probably how a podcast would've turned out in Medieval times

    • @bhargavshatrughna489
      @bhargavshatrughna489 Месяц назад +274

      And with divinity they expect nothing less than perfection. Thinking that this perfect woman will fix all their problems.

  • @slimkt
    @slimkt Месяц назад +3188

    As a period haver, I would call you an ally, but then you also subjected me to these guys, so it’s up in the air.

  • @kitsunemusicisfire
    @kitsunemusicisfire Месяц назад +123

    I feel like these people are the type to approach a woman all nice and buddy buddy, then when they get rejected drop the "you're a slut" or "im glad trump was elected" and then block her

    • @MinervaQueen-xoxo
      @MinervaQueen-xoxo 25 дней назад

      frr this, and the way he said bitch was also weird

  • @bee-here
    @bee-here Месяц назад +1806

    There's a balance to be found between the guys who are like "ew, gross, I can't be within ten feet of a tampon or else I'll get cooties" and these kinds of guys. Find it, fellas.

    • @aligned88
      @aligned88 Месяц назад +176

      that balance is treating women like human beings….yeah i don’t think many men are going to find it any time soon

    • @jakubbarakomski7378
      @jakubbarakomski7378 Месяц назад +92

      I still remember how stunned my wife was when I first time bought her the pads she wanted and a pack of painkillers for a period.
      Can we normalize this instead of talking how excited someone is for period sex lol

    • @sourpatchwimp
      @sourpatchwimp Месяц назад +49

      It’s so easy too the balance is literally “oh okay so do you wanna do anything or do you wanna watch a movie”

    • @zubetp
      @zubetp Месяц назад +42

      the vibe i got is that he very recently decided to stop being a literal toddler about periods lol. like, this new mindset is _so_ fresh. the ink is still wet on this one.

    • @vlo4829
      @vlo4829 Месяц назад +8

      The whole "we want men to talk more about periods" thing is such a chronically online "problem" that real people don't care about. Periods are something men DO know about but don't experience and therefore are almost always going to be more ignorant about than women. Most men WILL talk about it if they are close to a woman and she's expressing some sort of issue and they'll also take it seriously, but the online "women" get so obsessed like men should be keeping track of cycles and flows of every woman they see...
      While a man shouldn't say "gross" to a woman talking about her period problems to him, periods as a general thing are bodily discharges, and most bodily discharges are natural but also kind of "gross", so it's not something to take personally. Urine is natural but "gross", too. It's not a diss on people who urinate.

  • @vizzzyy190
    @vizzzyy190 Месяц назад +2816

    fun fact! equating penises and swords goes back centuries. in latin, the word gladius means both sword and penis! in these metaphors, the vagina is the sheath. still weird, but at least it has historical basis

    • @Vanity0666
      @Vanity0666 Месяц назад

      It's true, the ancient greeks and romans were known for training young boys how to sword fight at an early age, I believe the practice was called PEDERASTY

    • @JannaJackson1021
      @JannaJackson1021 Месяц назад

      I mean, vagina is literally Latin for sheath, so yeah!

    • @snottychihuahua
      @snottychihuahua Месяц назад +241

      You know, I don't know when I'd ever use this information, but it still feels important somehow.

    • @casadastraphobia
      @casadastraphobia Месяц назад +184

      I actually think that makes it worse

    • @michaell8269
      @michaell8269 Месяц назад +74

      @@casadastraphobiaafter all, what use is a sheath without a sword?

  • @PurpleBandanaStudios
    @PurpleBandanaStudios Месяц назад +616

    10:30 i have genuinely had a guy say to my face "whats the point of having a sword if you cant get a little blood on it" i was not enthused in the slightest

    • @a1exneedsahamdleplease
      @a1exneedsahamdleplease Месяц назад +39

      That’s just scary…

    • @DarkShadic9632
      @DarkShadic9632 Месяц назад +38

      I think I’m gonna be sick 💀

    • @Pandanananananananan
      @Pandanananananananan Месяц назад +16

      Bro that’s crazy 💀

    • @annamosier2396
      @annamosier2396 Месяц назад +23

      No SAMEEEE, like verbatim I had a boyfriend that would say this exact phrase . He also tried to convince me sex helps with cramps. Surprise! I still had cramps but then I had to force a tampon in!

    • @WanderingJellyfish_0081
      @WanderingJellyfish_0081 Месяц назад +10

      Yeah, it's giving like do they not have sex if their partner isn't on their period? Do they... make something bleed?? Like the implications are scary...

  • @CoffeeStainedIntestines
    @CoffeeStainedIntestines Месяц назад +3109

    Their entire energy reminds me of r/niceguys.
    "Women are beautiful intricate beings". "I miss eating p*" "I've been celibate for too long😔"

    • @sakhutobi
      @sakhutobi Месяц назад

      More like incel

    • @JinStreams
      @JinStreams Месяц назад +177

      It is the first half of the nice guy experience before they go ballistic at rejection

    • @kaskaskas
      @kaskaskas Месяц назад

      @@JinStreams yeah these are the same kind of guys who will call you a fat wh0re when you reject them. the switch up is always inevitable.

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      I'm better than jarvis

    • @vlo4829
      @vlo4829 Месяц назад +12

      @@JinStreams Or in their case, their podcast viewership goes down

  • @sysnootles5039
    @sysnootles5039 Месяц назад +2475

    great, i already didn’t come & now i gotta comfort this crying dude

  • @mori5509
    @mori5509 Месяц назад +287

    21:25; About the smell thing - it's not the DNA that's opposite, it's the immune system. People who are immune to different things than you smell good (or so it is believed), so if you were to have a child, its immune system would also be more diverse, which in biology always means stronger.

    • @originofsky
      @originofsky Месяц назад +2

      @@mori5509 so cool!! I love this sort of human biology.

    • @rebeccak9597
      @rebeccak9597 29 дней назад +2

      ​@@originofskyI remember reading this study in psychology, it was Wedekind et al or the sweaty tshirt study 😁

    • @Reverse_Cowgirl-cat
      @Reverse_Cowgirl-cat День назад

      ​@rebeccak9597 I thought the sweaty shirt study was abt collecting sweat brought on through different emotions and how people redacted to smelling them.

  • @loonastrawberry
    @loonastrawberry Месяц назад +2285

    As a period haver... no, just no. I talked with a guy like this, and we were chatting for like a week or two. It was flirty and explicit, but we were not friends and weren't close. And he said something like this about my period... and he really didn't understand why I was weirded out by this. He was absolutely sure that women liked it when men are fetishising their body parts and natural progess of our bodies. Like, "At least I'm not shaming you! Look, I'm not disgusted by you, don't you like it?". Like, there's only two options when you're a period haver. Either men are disgusted by your body parts, or they're fetishising them. ☠️

    • @blutygar
      @blutygar Месяц назад +95

      It feels like he and these two don't really have respect for period-havers, even if they think there's some kind of incentive to being 'respectful' and not disgsted to do so.

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +2

      I don't care lol.

    • @delonat
      @delonat Месяц назад +85

      @@ville-c4u “I actually don’t care!” They say, nonchalantly.

    • @willnaib
      @willnaib Месяц назад +99

      @@delonat don’t waste your time replying to this guy 😭 i see them all the time across so many different creators’ videos and all they say is dumb shit like “i don’t care” “no one asked” “my content is better” or just straight up hateful shit in every comment thread. honestly i hope it’s a ragebait bot because the idea that a real person dedicates this much of their time doing baby’s first interaction bait on youtube makes me really sad 😭

    • @delonat
      @delonat Месяц назад +45

      @@willnaib man they have 80 comments on this channel and ur right they’re all the same copy, paste “I don’t care” 😭 oh well at least maybe my extra comment boosts this video for the algorithm.

  • @ohyeah904
    @ohyeah904 Месяц назад +1787

    The "I could feel my eyes dilate" gave me such intense werewolf fanfic flashbacks

    • @solus8685
      @solus8685 Месяц назад +34

      Not him being alpha

    • @stargurl4
      @stargurl4 Месяц назад +3

      Hes real freak

    • @jazg275
      @jazg275 Месяц назад +7

      Wattpad veterans support group is needed

  • @im_just_gracie
    @im_just_gracie Месяц назад +148

    15:24 ya know, we're still being sexualized but its kinda entertaining to be objectified as if we are some divine spiritual object with healing and cleansing properties, at least. That's new.

    • @erm-nuhuh
      @erm-nuhuh 25 дней назад +8

      it is until you’re unable to meet the unrealistic expectations of being this “divine being” and are in fact just a regular person like anyone else, then it’s verbal abuse all around from these kinds of men lmao.

  • @lunchy_meats
    @lunchy_meats Месяц назад +6125

    “Give us more!” We shout in our gold attire

  • @callmezevi
    @callmezevi Месяц назад +2490

    Soul tie? A SOUL TIE cuz of magical period blood? Wow. That' Imagine you hooked up with this guy, it was mid as hell, you think you wanna go and he's like our souls are bonded now, that was a healing experience. I am wheezing

    • @unslept_em
      @unslept_em Месяц назад +110

      sounds like something an awkward character would say in a comedy movie lmao

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +3

      I don't care lol.

    • @EmoNinja1155
      @EmoNinja1155 Месяц назад +67

      He seems like the type to say all that and then never speak to you again

    • @sonarchy5158
      @sonarchy5158 Месяц назад +28

      Me after evolving from a Koffing : I am Weezing

    • @Karmakarmelion
      @Karmakarmelion Месяц назад +12

      Is it like...Blood Brothers? 😂

  • @venomous_carnage
    @venomous_carnage Месяц назад +188

    As a period haver who suffers from debilitating cramps so bad I vomit despite medication, if you try to pull some shit with me you won’t have a sword anymore fr bro, no thanks please and thank you

    • @WanderingJellyfish_0081
      @WanderingJellyfish_0081 Месяц назад +6

      Literally, it's not a "blessing" or whatever the hell they were saying.

    • @originofsky
      @originofsky Месяц назад +4

      @@venomous_carnage have you ever been screened for endometriosis? it's not standard to be in that much pain. I only ask bc I had it too and never realized, and there's SO MANY WOMEN who put up with it without even realizing that this type of symptom is problematic and not normal.

    • @FayMuteti
      @FayMuteti Месяц назад

      it helps with the cramps

  • @Ellieescent
    @Ellieescent Месяц назад +3118

    If you can feel an IUD beyond the string, there's something wrong and that person should make an appointment to get it checked.

    • @dudebbro
      @dudebbro Месяц назад +206

      yeah i had an iud for years and no partner was ever able to feel it. something's wrong if it hurts like that

    • @eileen1300
      @eileen1300 Месяц назад +65

      Came here to make sure this was said.

    • @BlossomTheCocoon
      @BlossomTheCocoon Месяц назад

      If like this was their way of saying “yeah man, I get all up in there with my Sword… meaning my Penis”

    • @aresxna
      @aresxna Месяц назад +206

      Absolutely, this is pretty clear evidence of an ineffective implantation, which while being probably uncomfortable for both parties also doesn’t fully ensure protection from pregnancy. -signed, someone who had two incorrectly placed IUDs in a row

    • @academicfunnel
      @academicfunnel Месяц назад +83

      yes but also if the strings aren't very long, they can hurt a partner because they're very stiff, like fishing wire. i've had people think they were the actual iud before

  • @Emnms68
    @Emnms68 Месяц назад +1321

    24:10 “being submissive and being vulnerable are not synonyms” SAY IT LOUDER

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +1

      I'm better than jarvis

  • @runningdownn17
    @runningdownn17 Месяц назад +37

    see, as a period haver, i feel like we asked people to act like it isn’t the most revolting thing on the planet and some people just took it WAY too far

  • @billbill6094
    @billbill6094 Месяц назад +1202

    I'm a man but guys who harp on emphatically about how understanding and gracious they are to women's needs are still off-putting to me. It's like they have to say what a nice guy they are because if they big up how accepting they are, especially in bed, they'll get laid more.
    Especially when they started talking periods. It sounds more than just being comfortable talking about normal body processes, it feels like fetishization. It's not "yeah of course I buy my girl pads when she needs it, nobody's judging you for it and if they do who even cares?", it's more like "of course I would proudly buy the right products for her flow when my goddess needs her _down there_ taken care of, when she needs to be carressed and have her soul comforted." The latter is just repulsive.

    • @MaeIsOkay
      @MaeIsOkay Месяц назад +18

      Idk these guys are weird but I feel like a guy talking about how he's understanding or gracious of women or whatever isn't inherently bad or them trying to hype themselves up

    • @MC-lm7de
      @MC-lm7de Месяц назад +163

      ​@@MaeIsOkay it isn't inherently bad, but sometimes it's a sign that a guy is trying to earn a reputation as a feminist/ally because that gets him respect and support. There have been plenty of creeps who hid behind a facade of supporting women. So, like a lot of things, it can be earnest or it can be a red flag, and you just kind of have to learn how to spot the difference

    • @bbypinkcherry
      @bbypinkcherry Месяц назад +110

      @@MaeIsOkayyou’re right, it’s not bad. however, i think op means it in sense of they’re talking in a really fantastical way that is off putting - more concerning the delivery and less the message itself. you can say these things without being weird and grandiose about it, talking about the “healing experience” of period sex when it’s just blood lol. that is not how real people talk in real life

    • @MaeIsOkay
      @MaeIsOkay Месяц назад +6

      @@MC-lm7de i get that creeps can hid behind it as a coverup but I don't think that means we need to think it's auto creepy or a red flag for guys to talk about this stuff, otherwise you're just saying that men shouldn't talk about feminist type stuff which wouldn't be good

    • @MaeIsOkay
      @MaeIsOkay Месяц назад +3

      @@bbypinkcherry I suppose that makes sense, the period blood thing was really weird

  • @jordanmclifton
    @jordanmclifton Месяц назад +1086

    Got my period the week I was hiking the Appalachian trail with my buddy. Came out of the woods after dealing with my period cup with "divine red" streaked down the front of my shirt as an unfortunate blunder of the wonderful experience that is keeping yourself hygienic in the wild. After washing my hands off, I inadvertently tried to dry them on that long, thin grass that is razor sharp. So my hands had micro cuts all over them when I went to use my hand sanitizer. 🙃 My buddy looked at me, saw the state of my shirt and how red my hands were from the sanitizer, grimaced and said "Uh, ya good?". I should have told him I was ascending to another plane, having an ethereal experience, a soulful female.

    • @chapablo
      @chapablo Месяц назад +35

      Haven't we all been there?

    • @ManiakFlame
      @ManiakFlame Месяц назад +77

      I don't know what i just read, but it made me laugh at the idea of your friend's mind shattering upon the infraction.

    • @kkimsey5866
      @kkimsey5866 Месяц назад +5

      Ooof, that’s tough.

    • @rsk47reviews59
      @rsk47reviews59 Месяц назад +3

      Okay m all for normalising periods and all, that being said, i hope nobody thinks having period blood smeared over your shirt in public is normal. I wonder what would have happened if the guy made a yucky face after seeing the blood on your shirt. Because i think its a normal reaction to have.

    • @spiderduck369
      @spiderduck369 Месяц назад

      @@rsk47reviews59​​⁠?Thats the point? That periods are a normal bodily function. And normal bodily function are messy and gross. And women, like any other person have them and the pick me guys are ridiculous for jumping to the other extreme of treating it like “divinity”. And her friend WAS grossed out about her smeared in blood and the joke was she should have said “well this is divine blood actually” if you follow the silly logic of the pick me guys

  • @diod2392
    @diod2392 Месяц назад +16

    20:50 there actually is some scientific basis for this. Supposedly, preferring your partners scent does indicate that you have different immune systems which is biologically better because it means your children will receive broader immune benefits

  • @_herais_1741
    @_herais_1741 Месяц назад +1949

    Jarvis my beautiful lunchtime princess

  • @meawen7261
    @meawen7261 Месяц назад +826

    i kept hearing "pigmy" instead of "pick me" and it's really fun to imagine that he's like this because he's just really small like just a real little guy. pigmy boy

    • @jakubbarakomski7378
      @jakubbarakomski7378 Месяц назад +43

      The dark soul. The furitive pigmy. So easily forgotten

    • @kenzo8096
      @kenzo8096 Месяц назад

      ​@@jakubbarakomski7378vaati will have to make a video this guys, to patch in the games' timeline ofc

    • @evelynphipps610
      @evelynphipps610 Месяц назад +6

      ​@@jakubbarakomski7378 These guys seem more like Bloodborne fans

    • @jakubbarakomski7378
      @jakubbarakomski7378 Месяц назад

      @@evelynphipps610 You right. And with how they think the women are such a divine creatures (sic!) I am sure a spot of hair on a girl somewhere else then on head and they will go ballistic for beast hunting lol

    • @sourgreendolly7685
      @sourgreendolly7685 Месяц назад +13

      also it's his birthday! a little pigmy birthday boy 😂

  • @ramennoodlie
    @ramennoodlie Месяц назад +16

    Why is it so hard for men to be normal about women?😭 Bro could’ve said “if she’s down, I’m down” and we all would’ve been like “right on”😭

  • @MegaWaffle
    @MegaWaffle Месяц назад +707

    Putting someone on a pedestal is objectifying them. You do not actually love that person; you just love the idea of loving them. There is a very clear difference between the two, but it's hidden behind all these seemingly positive remarks, so we have to point out this behavior when we see it. Loving someone means you care for them; you want the best for them. These people only care about proving they care.

    • @Wolfvonbiele93
      @Wolfvonbiele93 Месяц назад +31

      Also, a lot of guys will put you on a pedestal, be insecure about it, and then make it your problem to make them feel better about it

    • @solus8685
      @solus8685 Месяц назад +6

      THISSSS. Literally why I hate when guys say sht like "I'd treat her like a queen" like stfu just treat her like an EQUAL 😭

    • @nathangaspacio6128
      @nathangaspacio6128 Месяц назад +1

      ​@solus8685 Just from a guys perspective, I think sometimes treating them like a queen can actually mean well. Like to me it means treat her as goo's as I reasonably can, but in the same way that now that I'm older I am finally able to treat my parents to things and do that as much as I can.
      I honestly think it derives from there hiatorically being such a low bar on how to treat your girlfriend/wife that now the bare minimum of empathy and treating someone you love is viewed as something other than the bare minimum.

    • @MegaWaffle
      @MegaWaffle Месяц назад +2

      ​@@nathangaspacio6128 There is a difference between treating someone well as a form of affection and placing them on a pedestal to be admired.
      Your love language affects how you give affection. You doing the same for your parents shows that.
      Problems arise when your view your partner as a token. Something to show off. You may put in a ton of effort to care for them, but you don't actually treat them as human.
      This doesn't happen to just women, this can affect men as well. I've seen it happen. But being aware, and accepting, that there is a difference will help us all avoid making the same mistakes. Because most people who do this mean well, they clearly love the person they are with, but that doesn't mean it's healthy.

    • @nathangaspacio6128
      @nathangaspacio6128 Месяц назад +3

      @@MegaWaffle Oh I see, so kinda like having an ideal of a relationship and trying to pursue that instead of actually accompanying the person you are with? And this could happen in many ways but here it presents itself when guys have an ideal where their girlfriend is perfect and as such give them everything they possibly can. This can then create issues because they giving everything is obviously too much, or they might prioritise wrong things like material gifts over compassion, and also the guys will be upset when their girlfriend doesn't live up to the perfect ideal they set for them.

  • @Mmmmbeans
    @Mmmmbeans Месяц назад +975

    There is SUCH a a difference between a “nice guy” and a kind man. Nice guys do certain actions to be perceived as being so “nice” and attractive but a kind man’s actions are selfless, genuine, and they don’t expect praise or anything in return. Nice guys are just so out of touch but if they’re criticized or declined then they victimize themselves lol.

    • @AliceBunny05
      @AliceBunny05 Месяц назад +23

      yeah, kindness comes from a genuine care for others, not a care for how you come across and what others will think of your actions. ofc everyone thinks about that sometimes, but really kindness is motivated almost completely just by a genuine care for another person. you don't need praise or return on what you're doing if you're doing it just because you think it's right and you appreciate someone genuinely.

    • @FrenkieWest32
      @FrenkieWest32 Месяц назад +3

      You realize that's just an internet concept people have kind of bastardized? Nice and kind mean roughly the same and guy and man do too.

    • @withercraft7627
      @withercraft7627 13 дней назад +2

      ​@@FrenkieWest32 Not really, I think the difference between the two has likely always been very profound. Say I very sternly tell a child who just tried to put their hand in boiling water to not do that ever again in a harsh way because I know the child well enough to know that's probably the only thing they'll listen to, that might not be traditionally nice but it's certainly kind. Obviously the two overlap a lot and by default to be kind is to be nice to people, but there are exceptions like the specific hypothetical I presented, but you are right that the two on average are the same I just think that it's worth differentiating the two since the difference while uncommon can be pretty large. Anyways thank you for reading my response and God Bless!!!

  • @hangryhufflepuff9530
    @hangryhufflepuff9530 7 дней назад +5

    My first boyfriend had a major thing for period sex, totally freaked me out. Ended up being that he enjoyed thinking he was hurting me. Dudes thinking periods are hot sends me into fight or flight

  • @Asheslit
    @Asheslit Месяц назад +704

    The real telling part of their podcast is that they consistently affirm that their audience is men. They’re men talking to men about women, and that can be okay, but not when you’re, by their own admission, not well versed in women’s issues. They talk about women from an outside perspective and are trying to sound like they’re informed, which is just going to lead the men in their audience further away from actual women’s advice and perspectives

    • @Plause-i3n
      @Plause-i3n Месяц назад +28

      Say it louder for the people in the front 👏

    • @Plause-i3n
      @Plause-i3n Месяц назад +29

      (They're deaf)

    • @wyattp8479
      @wyattp8479 Месяц назад +9

      Very much this. I've never really understood why men don't go directly to podcasts that women host or at least co-host when trying to better understand women. It's like watching straight people try to have a podcast about gay culture or something.

    • @WanderingJellyfish_0081
      @WanderingJellyfish_0081 Месяц назад +4

      1000% agree, they should stop talking about things they have no experience with while trying to sound educated

  • @BamJustMarissa
    @BamJustMarissa Месяц назад +806

    Thinking abt how period blood is from the uterus not the cervix???

    • @mudsywudsy
      @mudsywudsy Месяц назад +29

      right like ???

    • @JubbysDragons
      @JubbysDragons Месяц назад +56

      Well ppl say it comes from vagina which true it's where it falls out but not where it's from. The cervix is just in between. If it doesn't go through your cervix it ain't gonna come out the vagina either so ...😅😅. It's wrong as a source but it does come through there. We don't say it's wrong to say blood from the vagina when it comes from uterus instead

    • @Vanity0666
      @Vanity0666 Месяц назад +10

      ​@JubbysDragons actually it comes from the bone marrow

    • @InsanityPlusOne
      @InsanityPlusOne Месяц назад +7

      @@Vanity0666 Is there even that much blood in the marrow that you could regularly lose it and function?

    • @rachelppython
      @rachelppython Месяц назад

      ​​@@InsanityPlusOnetechnically almost all of your blood originates in the marrow cause that's where new blood cells are produced.

  • @mozart2045
    @mozart2045 Месяц назад +18

    as someone with a period having a man say its 'divine' or 'exciting' is horrifying
    these men take a natural thing that has been happening for the entirety of human existence that is so often the worst weeks of peoples lives and make it into some divine bonding womenly holy experience... it feels like they're trying to change it into something they can use instead a part of regular human life

  • @Honeybee-gk2ok
    @Honeybee-gk2ok Месяц назад +9567

    As a period haver, do NOT even think about touching me while I'm on it. Its so uncomfortable the whole time, that's the last thing on my mind.

    • @madelineelizabeth-alyosha7475
      @madelineelizabeth-alyosha7475 Месяц назад

      There are a lot of people in the world who don’t mind or really enjoy it!
      If a man sounded that excited and try hard in that situation though, I would run for the period shack.

    • @chup6c6br6
      @chup6c6br6 Месяц назад +25

      as a period haver who gets hit with all the libido all at once: free lube AND it helps with cramps yo. just dont move me around like at all ever

    • @greeny.official
      @greeny.official Месяц назад +879

      @@maxfortefan2947 its personal preferences but not gross. that shits clean blood

    • @lilysiandaza4296
      @lilysiandaza4296 Месяц назад +707

      Right? My period is when i feel the least sexy, and they always make me ache everywhere and fatigued.

    • @InsanityPlusOne
      @InsanityPlusOne Месяц назад +231

      Going by the few exes I've ever been that intimate with it seems like it varies how uncomfortable periods are but in general yeah no,
      it's the kind of thing some are on prescription meds to even feel able to cope so the idea that they act like that...
      I have to assume this is just some new weirder form of the incels cause it makes me (a more or less straight cis male) kinda uncomfy, brainrot is wild these days.

  • @loveisqi.
    @loveisqi. Месяц назад +793

    4:57 “impregnated with glee in the presence of thee” is one of the best silly things I’ve ever heard

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      I don't care lol.

    • @Blufyre_
      @Blufyre_ Месяц назад +14

      @@ville-c4uthen keep scrolling! Hope this helps

    • @Sophia_Regina
      @Sophia_Regina Месяц назад +2

      I was about to comment this LOLL

    • @Sophia_Regina
      @Sophia_Regina Месяц назад +2

      @@ville-c4udid anyone ask for ur opinion? 🥰

    • @7eartcat248
      @7eartcat248 Месяц назад


  • @cuttlefish7609
    @cuttlefish7609 Месяц назад +7

    I did a quick google search about the whole "if you like the smell of their sweat you would have good babies" claim and what I found is that there was like ONE study (deemed contraversial) that's findings could support the claim that we can very lightly smell when someone's immune system has the store of instructions for fighting certain diseases. However this was all very loosely supported and from over a decade ago.

  • @JasminMiettunen
    @JasminMiettunen Месяц назад +750

    19:00 crying about not making her come will just add pressure on her and that will make it less likely to happen next time. Try your best, listen to her, but if it doesn’t happen that time, it doesn’t happen. Just like if men can’t perform, that’s perfectly normal. It’s the trying part that matters.

    • @JasminMiettunen
      @JasminMiettunen Месяц назад +136

      Imagine having to comfort your partner in bed because you didn’t get there, her pleasure isn’t about you! They really are talking about womens bodies like objects, just objects of desire.

    • @toastychips3675
      @toastychips3675 Месяц назад +41

      Yes! Yes yes yes.
      I definitely had serious performance anxiety when I entered my first serious relationship (very repressed background). There was earnest effort put in to get me there, open communication and real work put in on both sides, but I just couldn't let go.
      And we solved it with communication. I explained my headspace, they wanted me to have a good time too, and though it didn't happen the first couple instances, it eventually got there with patience. Because we both put our best effort forward and gave each other honest praise and tried to get the other where they wanted to be.
      Sex can be a bit complicated depending on the person, but listening and trying goes such a long way.

    • @FrenkieWest32
      @FrenkieWest32 Месяц назад +3

      ​@JasminMiettunenI mean, it's been a fairly widespread talking point for ages now that men should try harder to help women come.

    • @JasminMiettunen
      @JasminMiettunen Месяц назад +14

      @@FrenkieWest32 yeah, of course you should try, I said try your best, but don’t add pressure. Trying is different to crying. Again, let’s compare the situation to a man. If a man has trouble, you can try to get him worked up, but if you cry, it’s more likely to add pressure and performance anxiety next time.

    • @FrenkieWest32
      @FrenkieWest32 Месяц назад +3

      @ I see what you mean. Yes, youre right

  • @olivia0843
    @olivia0843 Месяц назад +280

    i was literally thinking "they just seem like the type of straight guys that tried mushrooms recently and started thinking about shit that women have already thought of by like age 10 and grown out of." and then he says he tried mushrooms LOL

  • @robman789
    @robman789 Месяц назад +25

    I really respect your strength in not making a magic the gathering joke when they talked about "soul tie" because I'm like "oh yeah, good color profile"

    • @robman789
      @robman789 Месяц назад +2

      i didn't watch the whole thing clearly when i posed this.

  • @acisme6442
    @acisme6442 Месяц назад +365

    "I would cry if I couldn't make it happen," okay. So, what I'm hearing is that you'd take it personally if your partner was physically incapable of 0rgasming (because that happens), or is otherwise unable to get into the right headspace for it to happen.
    Not to mention, there are people who prefer NOT to 0rgasm. Some have physical disorders that make the experience painful for them, or find it to be overstimulating; some have trauma that gets triggered by the feeling, and some just prefer to focus on other aspects of intimacy when with a partner.
    But thanks sooo much, podcast fellas, for making your partner's 0rgasm all about yourself and your masculinity. SOOO progressive of you. You're definitely more likely to be picked than any other man whose ego pressures their partners to fake 0's in bed, for sure for sure.

    • @zorro......
      @zorro...... Месяц назад +67

      also putting that pressure onto the partner can make it even harder to get there! sex can be enjoyable and intimate and satisfactory without the climax for many people, and putting the added pressure can make it more stressful and upsetting than just enjoying the time together would be 😅

    • @waterfall5660
      @waterfall5660 Месяц назад +9

      Last paragraph is SPOT ON.

    • @AliceBunny05
      @AliceBunny05 Месяц назад

      ​@@zorro......yes, I think it's rather damaging to have such a small minded view of sexual interaction with your partners. sex as an experience encompasses a whole lot more than just the basic stuff described in your health classes. there are ways for people to feel satisfied without experiencing an orgasm per say, it just depends on the person and the activities that are being done. you can still feel a lot of pleasure throughout the experience without it being the cookie cutter situation of foreplay, more intense sexual act, and then release. I know this can especially be true for people who participate in long sessions of sexual activity, by the end you can be worn out enough that you're just like.. too tired to work yourself back up and you've already experienced a lot of pleasure so the sense of satisfaction is there. everyone is different, is the moral of the story. human beings are complicated both in mind and body, and sex is an experience that requires a lot of both. so it'll never be the same between different people.

    • @londongirl6711
      @londongirl6711 Месяц назад +1

      Then there's me,married 10 years and never had an orgasm and I don't know why 😅

  • @saphiwrath
    @saphiwrath Месяц назад +427

    They give me the same vibes as the guy who told me he'd go to womens' rights rallies if he didn't think they'd be mad at him for being there and a man. Like okay, I'm so grateful you care enough to almost go?

    • @jordan-my2vl
      @jordan-my2vl Месяц назад +64

      EWWWW wtf. nobody is mad about it????? unless ur acting weird- which it sounds like that dude WAS weird lol

    • @olliefoxwitdasox
      @olliefoxwitdasox Месяц назад

      that is f*cking hysterical oh my god
      no way 😂

    • @whitneyhendrix8075
      @whitneyhendrix8075 Месяц назад +15

      Damn, even in his declaration of feminism he’s saying that women would get mad for no reason…

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      i dont care loll,,.

    • @vlo4829
      @vlo4829 Месяц назад +3

      That guy is either chronically online listening to extreme feminists OR he thought he'd found a clever way to say he doesn't want to waste his time going to a rally but make it sound like he still cares. (Or you give off the impression of someone who would get mad at seeing a man at a women's rally and he was trying to appease you)

  • @Feverm00n
    @Feverm00n Месяц назад +48

    Period haver here, I was telling my bf about this bc he asked what was cracking me up and he added a perspective I thought was interesting; that period sex for a lot of women is extremely vulnerable, and so being SO into a kind of sex that is, like, the most vulnerable for a woman would also be kinda weird… tbh I don’t think dude is actually period sex’s #1 fan, but is saying it bc he knows that men being mature about periods is attractive to women (lots of us are turned off by a dude being grossed out by our periods). Also, at least for me, it is so so rare that I’m feeling alright enough during my period to even consider it… tho O’s apparently help ease cramp pain!

  • @maddoxfarlow
    @maddoxfarlow Месяц назад +816

    Drew and Jarvis within a few minutes! Lunch time is popping today

    • @csh1vr
      @csh1vr Месяц назад +14

      I thought the same thing!

  • @realsmosher53
    @realsmosher53 Месяц назад +560

    Nah fr my bf says "a knight is never afraid to bloody his sword" and its kinda cute and funny but like in a cringe private moment kind of way. Watching this it's just like ew why dont say that to the world brother

    • @fighttheevilrobots3417
      @fighttheevilrobots3417 Месяц назад +50

      This comment made my day. Thank you stranger.

    • @ona512
      @ona512 Месяц назад +61

      Yeah its honestly the most normal thing for them to say in that context tbh. The medical stuff was more cringe in comparison

    • @carnuatus
      @carnuatus Месяц назад +8

      Well also bro is acting like he's taking it 100% serious. Jokingly is different.

    • @santiagoorgeira9142
      @santiagoorgeira9142 Месяц назад

      Yeah, the idea is "come on dude don't be a crybaby, be with your partner on her period, it's not a big deal" not like... Being with a woman on her period is like a crusade, and you're conquering the holy land

  • @vitasomething
    @vitasomething Месяц назад +258

    as a trans gal, they talk abt women like ive heard soooo many chasers talk abt trans women in particular too. it feels so freakin uncanny in how familiar this type of weird language actually feels blehh.
    (also please dont buy aura, no shame on jarvis for taking the sponsor, like get that bag girlie, but they ARE just repackaging a free service as a subscription model amd i dont want anyone getting scammed!!)

    • @YuhBoiiiii
      @YuhBoiiiii Месяц назад +14

      So as a guy..?

    • @hello_i_am_jacob
      @hello_i_am_jacob Месяц назад +119

      ​@@YuhBoiiiii trans women are women. Hope this helps ☺️

    • @YuhBoiiiii
      @YuhBoiiiii Месяц назад +11

      @ absolutely not 🤣

    • @ArlieMeadow
      @ArlieMeadow Месяц назад

      ​@@YuhBoiiiiicry about it

    • @JamieNoah638
      @JamieNoah638 Месяц назад

      ​@@YuhBoiiiiiAbsolutely yes. Trans women are women. Do you not know how nouns work?

  • @justmagdalenadownhere
    @justmagdalenadownhere Месяц назад +647

    26:43 NOT THE MUSHROOMS. Please 😭 why is it that every time a well-off white dude does shrooms, he immediately believes he's discovered the secrets of the universe and needs to spread his wisdom??

    • @tarettime9392
      @tarettime9392 Месяц назад

      Because the universe only reveals its secrets to white dudes through shrooms obviously

    • @lilmissemi
      @lilmissemi Месяц назад +97

      & its just them like learning empathy for the first time XD shrooms are way more dangerous for people than they're given credit for

    • @justmagdalenadownhere
      @justmagdalenadownhere Месяц назад +98

      @@lilmissemi they talk about shit like "we're all one with the universe so we all deserve to be treated equally" like duh???? hello????

    • @ChristopherHuhmann
      @ChristopherHuhmann Месяц назад +24

      Yeah... Fortunately, in this case, it helped a guy figure out some of his own mental health, so that is at least something positive

    • @justmagdalenadownhere
      @justmagdalenadownhere Месяц назад +23

      @ChristopherHuhmann there is that. at least now he's aware he needs help. i'm just a lil worried that him getting help has led to him thinking he's a genius.

  • @celeste7987
    @celeste7987 Месяц назад +443

    "create a soul tie"
    Ew. ✂ I play Magic Scissors and sever the soul tie. I am free now. Farewell.

    • @CrazyKitten
      @CrazyKitten Месяц назад +34


    • @justmagdalenadownhere
      @justmagdalenadownhere Месяц назад +1

      @@celeste7987 this might be one of the best comments i've ever seen in my life

  • @slsove
    @slsove 15 дней назад +5

    "practices what? the way of the blade?" is my new favourite jarvis quote

  • @insectsect
    @insectsect Месяц назад +309

    absolutely thrilled to have written “positively quivering with whimsy” in twitch chat, i’m positively quivering with whimsy even

  • @AutisticTea
    @AutisticTea Месяц назад +3251

    The way he's trying to sound like he knows, understands, and respects women's bodies. But then says the blood comes from the cervix. The blood does not come from the cervix. If the cervix is bleeding, there is a problem.
    Edit: If he meant it flows through the cervix, I just wonder why he didn't correct himself. If he misspoke, you'd think he'd go "from the uterus, through the cervix" but he didn't. I dunno, guys, the way he speaks about the whole thing, through the rest of the clips, is like he knows jusssst enough to make it seem like he knows it, but hasn't actually done any research. Good on him for eating 😼 though. He could be a little less weird about it but he's got the spirit.

    • @CraigUntlNytTym
      @CraigUntlNytTym Месяц назад +135

      I did think "wait a minute, really?" I did wonder if maybe I was the one misunderstanding something.

    • @sydneynicole8947
      @sydneynicole8947 Месяц назад

      @@CraigUntlNytTymya the blood is uteran lining that goes through the cervix into the vaginal canal

    • @Rainiscoolio
      @Rainiscoolio Месяц назад +122

      I paused and was like "Oh- That's not..."

    • @mumenRhyder
      @mumenRhyder Месяц назад +56

      I lost years off my life

    • @leebobeebo
      @leebobeebo Месяц назад +129

      he is the problem, he keeps bringing his sword into bed

  • @HelenHill-yl5eq
    @HelenHill-yl5eq 4 дня назад +1

    I have been on dates with guys just like this and the insane part is they will be the ones to treat you the WORST. All talk like this then behave like legit sociopaths it’s wild.

  • @sadpatheticbardboy
    @sadpatheticbardboy Месяц назад +463

    i love when he says "goooold" it’s the best part of the video it’s my favourite

    • @SadToffee
      @SadToffee Месяц назад +26

      boy have I got the movie for you

    • @mattbob8725
      @mattbob8725 Месяц назад +8

      That's not him

    • @oscarthagrouch
      @oscarthagrouch Месяц назад +4

      best part of the video is crazy

    • @deadpilleds
      @deadpilleds Месяц назад +3

      ​@@mattbob8725 no way

    • @swordkitty
      @swordkitty Месяц назад

      wheres it from tho im curious​@@mattbob8725

  • @theswissmiss69
    @theswissmiss69 Месяц назад +3730

    I looove how they „respect women“ but all they talk about is our body parts. Wonder how they feel about when a woman isn’t cis.

  • @eleanor_rosie_summers8004
    @eleanor_rosie_summers8004 Месяц назад +9

    “I’d be excited” me too…. To never speak to a guy like that

  • @lanniekin
    @lanniekin Месяц назад +301

    Thank you for your cervix!

    • @sparklingsn
      @sparklingsn Месяц назад +3

      Fav comment 🎉

    • @kkimsey5866
      @kkimsey5866 Месяц назад +1

      🤣 I see what you did there 👍🏻

    • @shirin9452
      @shirin9452 Месяц назад +4

      How did you make this adorable little fellow i must have him

  • @vic-is-trying
    @vic-is-trying Месяц назад +687

    The thumbnail alone has already taken several years off my life. I can’t wait to watch the rest.

  • @LavA-R3K0N
    @LavA-R3K0N Месяц назад +22

    Im sad because i didnt know how much objectifying i did in my own head, i will grow from this and be a decent human.

  • @pricken
    @pricken Месяц назад +134

    20:57 Okay but like kinda? Biologist here and I believe it is due to the way bacteria breaks down your sweat, so depending on the way it smells it gives clues about that persons immune systems capabilities and genetic makeup. So if your partners sweat smells good to you that means you have compatible genes. There have been multiple studies on this, and it's super interesting!

    • @XreezX
      @XreezX 29 дней назад

      Can you give a source or a longer explanation.

  • @PinkBerryMoose
    @PinkBerryMoose Месяц назад +441

    7:17 I just know he said that because he wanted to flex the fact that he knows the word cervix

    • @nospoonfulofmayonnaiseforme
      @nospoonfulofmayonnaiseforme Месяц назад +71

      blood comes from the uterus, not the cervix, too 😭😭

    • @end_slayer
      @end_slayer Месяц назад +14

      100% how it comes off, guess he never went to health class

    • @PinkBerryMoose
      @PinkBerryMoose Месяц назад +2

      @nospoonfulofmayonnaiseforme right!?! 😭

    • @CrazyKitten
      @CrazyKitten Месяц назад +1

      At least he didn’t say it comes from the clit 💀💀

    • @end_slayer
      @end_slayer Месяц назад +4

      @writefiction nah, map of the world

  • @hollykattenberg5638
    @hollykattenberg5638 Месяц назад +4

    When he said “Creates a soul tie”, i felt like when Jake Sully in Avatar tried to connect with that freaky horse but got bucked off because their connection wasn’t deep enough 😢

  • @joshuaseitler6003
    @joshuaseitler6003 Месяц назад +249

    I can't believe this "Jarvis" guy doesn't know that you need the blood of a virgin to form a Soul-Bond so that you can summon the Archdevil Scerviks, 🙄

  • @dots3854
    @dots3854 Месяц назад +248

    As soon as a man brings “soul ties” and divinity and star shit or whatever that’s how you know they’re doing wayyyy too much to compensate for not actually liking women as people. They see gender as a duty in of itself. I was talking to a guy like this who was trying to reconcile me being trans masculine with my very pre-transition female body lmfao. Talking abt “feminine and masculine soul energies” bro just be normal 😭

    • @hrosexo
      @hrosexo Месяц назад


  • @anom3zra
    @anom3zra Месяц назад +2

    i’m genuinely crying but i agree w ur point around 26:00, i’m glad people regardless of gender are vocalizing their feelings and beliefs but there will ofc be a lot of platitudes and mindsets that reinforce harmful archetypes (ie women and men are fundamentally different)

  • @messengerofchaos
    @messengerofchaos Месяц назад +216

    "they get a little nasty" 0:44 was just so cheeky

  • @YikYakTikTak
    @YikYakTikTak Месяц назад +173

    Being excited by someone’s period, is like being excited about having to use the toilet.
    Like, granted, it’s a normal body function. But being EXCITED is waaaaaay fucking weird

    • @battleb0ng420
      @battleb0ng420 Месяц назад +22

      yeah i hate how acceptance of bodily functions is conflated with not being disgusted by bodily functions. biology is gross, we can just admit it. we can still respect women and think that menstrual fluid is gross.

    • @AliceBunny05
      @AliceBunny05 Месяц назад

      ​@@battleb0ng420yeah I think there exists a solid middle ground, because there is definitely a difference between thinking menstrual fluids are a bit gross, and thinking people themselves are gross for.. having a functioning body. it's a bit of a lukewarm analogy but, compare it to a lady who likes giving oral sex to her male counterpart but thinks that ingesting the release is gross. that dosen't mean she thinks he's gross, or that she dislikes oral, it's just the part including copious bodily fluids she's not so keen on. some ppl are just not into body fluids at all, you've even got people that don't like to french kiss. everyone's different and you can be different without being disrespectful.

  • @siljaamm8440
    @siljaamm8440 29 дней назад +8

    This feels like two gay men trying to convince each other and themselves how Not gay they are 😂

  • @lucynsuns
    @lucynsuns Месяц назад +238

    This is like they’re edging meaningful conversations

    • @skepticaltile
      @skepticaltile Месяц назад +19

      Damn that's a really good way of putting it.

    • @olliefoxwitdasox
      @olliefoxwitdasox Месяц назад

      best comment yet
      deserved more likes

    • @sipi2009
      @sipi2009 Месяц назад +6

      I hate that you're right.

    • @iamtoxic4663
      @iamtoxic4663 Месяц назад +1

      What does edging means?

    • @shirin9452
      @shirin9452 Месяц назад +3

      Wow you put it perfectly

  • @jessst7248
    @jessst7248 Месяц назад +74

    Period sex should just be up to you and the person you’re having it with. Be down or not and just move on lol. Not a single soul tie is made

  • @fireballninja01
    @fireballninja01 Месяц назад +11

    20:30 dude actually misremembered actual study about immune systems and managed to make it about eugenics

  • @torisines5660
    @torisines5660 Месяц назад +183

    i’m blind in my right eye, so i don’t think covering my left eye will do too much for me

    • @JuniperDDDD
      @JuniperDDDD Месяц назад +10

      This comment is gold

    • @justinabean94
      @justinabean94 Месяц назад +19

      I’m blind in my left, I got you. 😂

    • @Biggiecheeseness
      @Biggiecheeseness Месяц назад +5

      @@justinabean94this made me giggle. This comment thread is so wholesome

    • @Bry-Guy909
      @Bry-Guy909 6 часов назад

      @@JuniperDDDD It's premium, if you will

  • @donywahlberg
    @donywahlberg Месяц назад +300

    I got laid off today and the "you're premium" bit has never made me feel better

    • @fairy_from_the_hood
      @fairy_from_the_hood Месяц назад +40

      You are premium! chin up!

    • @ZebraLuv
      @ZebraLuv Месяц назад +18

      You got this. You're platinum. It's just some paperwork, a little unemployment, and a resume or six while you eat lunch in bed.

    • @SeaScorpion538
      @SeaScorpion538 Месяц назад +17

      I'm sorry you got layed off i really feel for you as someone who's currently unemployed

    • @neptune2433
      @neptune2433 Месяц назад +4

      Wishing you the best! ☺️

    • @donywahlberg
      @donywahlberg Месяц назад +2

      Solid positivity team, keep it up all the time

  • @KaiGlidden
    @KaiGlidden 15 дней назад +1

    All that talk about period s*x and no mention of talking to a woman about what she actually wants on her period. Having that conversation of whether intimacy is on the table during that time and what she does or doesn’t want is so much more important than just being “down to get your sword bloody”. There’s no care or love there

  • @keelygreene1553
    @keelygreene1553 Месяц назад +217

    we don’t need to be grossed out by periods, but romanticizing periods is also fucked and misses the point of normalizing a bodily function.

    • @oakleyves
      @oakleyves Месяц назад +23

      yes it's overcorrecting

    • @battleb0ng420
      @battleb0ng420 Месяц назад +7

      we can be grossed out by a bodily function and still normalize it

    • @keelygreene1553
      @keelygreene1553 Месяц назад +24

      @ I mean it’s totally fine to be grossed out by blood, I was more saying people are often grossed out by the very existence of periods

    • @ジュニパーベリー
      @ジュニパーベリー Месяц назад +3

      right??? like let’s all get horned up over the concept of shitting and see how these men take it, it’s the same thing, it’s a bodily function

    • @battleb0ng420
      @battleb0ng420 18 часов назад

      @@keelygreene1553 i am grossed out by the very existence of lifeforms with bodies tbh

  • @AmazedbyGrace95
    @AmazedbyGrace95 Месяц назад +87

    I just.... every time i hear about dudes like this im just so frustrated because they probably have convinced so many women theyre safe and then they turn around and hold super oldfadshioned and dangerous beliefs about us and our bodies

  • @Sir_8
    @Sir_8 Месяц назад +29

    You ever notice how he always says, 'It’s... it’s free' in every video? Almost like he’s reminding himself-like deep down, he wishes it wasn’t free. What if this is all part of a long con? Conditioning us to expect free content until one day... BAM, paywall. Stay woke.

  • @shrimpshell239
    @shrimpshell239 Месяц назад +198

    The PG stands for Premium Gold, because they're Not So PG

  • @wheelbarrow0104
    @wheelbarrow0104 Месяц назад +425


    • @selenadamman8417
      @selenadamman8417 Месяц назад +8

      Wtf i didnt know that was a thing 😭 ive definitely been enjoying my monthly 3 youtube vids of the only youtubers i like streak so far

    • @aquademoney
      @aquademoney Месяц назад +5

      same usually but for once im actually loke wait no stop bc i already have sm vids to catch up on still and ppl keep posting before i can finish em😭🙏 (im jk tho obvi, jarvis and drew and other slay yter’s posting is ALWAYS a good thing obvi lol, just recently always happens to be the one week or 2 that im already running behind on vids and then next thing u know its the exact opposite and i have nothing to watch and no ones posting for some reason as if theyre doing it just to spite me lmfao smh my head🙄✋😤😤💀)

    • @blu-cadet-3
      @blu-cadet-3 Месяц назад

      @selenadamman8417if i recall, jarv and drew are both with the same MCN so theyll both have sponsors scheduled for the end of the momth

    • @wheelbarrow0104
      @wheelbarrow0104 Месяц назад +1

      @@aquademoney FORREALZZZZZ

    • @wheelbarrow0104
      @wheelbarrow0104 Месяц назад


  • @kevlarstargate4365
    @kevlarstargate4365 Месяц назад +4

    You discussing magic always hits me from left field, I absolutely love the concept that someone is watching that first video and thought "Wait, why are we talking about Tarkir all of a sudden?"

  • @atlashaugen4219
    @atlashaugen4219 Месяц назад +53

    At first I was like "oh okay, I mean I'm not gonna shame anyone's kinks or fetishes as long as its been consented to by all parties involved" and then he just... kept talking

  • @space_pirate_calamity
    @space_pirate_calamity Месяц назад +282

    The thing about liking the smell of a partner's sweat has some truth to it: it comes actually from pheromones, or one's "natural smell." Everybody naturally has a bit of scent to them, and if you like the scent of someone else, it generally means that your genetics are compatible in such a way as that you would produce genetically healthy children. We're actually programmed to dislike the pheromones of our siblings, to prevent inbreeding. It's fascinating stuff!

    • @Vanity0666
      @Vanity0666 Месяц назад +42

      I be sniffing on the low

    • @el2921
      @el2921 Месяц назад +40

      Yeah I was gonna say hate to say it but he was kinda onto something there

    • @violetbitch9492
      @violetbitch9492 Месяц назад

      Humans don't detect pheromones....

    • @toomfraw
      @toomfraw Месяц назад +47

      yeah like he is mostly right he just sounds like an idiot in how hes saying it

    • @arsonfrog69__97
      @arsonfrog69__97 Месяц назад +30

      pheromones are so cool, mostly because we don't really understand what they are or why we have them (we haven't identified a specific chemical in humans like we have in other species)

  • @_tyler32
    @_tyler32 Месяц назад +5

    8:11 hi! Wanna add some notes on period blood as a trans guy who has them. (Warning, don’t read this if you don’t wanna be grossed out.)
    It’s not beautiful. We shed our insides. bloodclots, mucus, aswell as the tissue from the lining of the uterus all leave our bodies and it doesn’t smell like regular blood, obviously. Not a moderate iron-y smell, but instead a very strong and gross, MUSKY iron-y smell! It’s horrid. Another thing about periods is that they usually make you feel sore. Like not only cramps, but they also make your muscles feel weak sometimes, and since you often walk around with blood around that already irritable area, it’s not uncommon that it starts to feel very raw and painful and sore and just bad. Of course this all varies from person to person but if someone suggested INTERCOURSE!!!! During that extremely painful and uncomfortable time i would personally throw them into the sun!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @samueltukua3061
      @samueltukua3061 23 часа назад

      I'm so happy someone mentioned the smell. I'm a guy who mostly has heterosexual sex and some period-having people have said that sex can help relax the ovarian pain (idk the mechanism), but the smell is really what gets me if I'm trying to have period sex. Like it is so difficult to maintain arousal with such a strong, musty, irony scent, and the smell only gets more powerful the longer the sex goes on.

  • @blue-dabad33
    @blue-dabad33 Месяц назад +34

    20:45 as someone who had his exact algorithm when i was 14 apparently, he's getting this from like, tumblr screenshots posted to pinterest, cause that's where I heard that "fact" too, with no sources ofc

  • @elliebears
    @elliebears Месяц назад +89

    Calling Peter a TV is giving the same energy as calling Troy Bolten’s Dad a Basketball, and I’m here for it.

  • @danek9783
    @danek9783 Месяц назад +8

    "i believe period blood has divinity and healing properties" okay brother 😂😂

  • @UnchargedBattery978
    @UnchargedBattery978 Месяц назад +65

    if a girl/guy brought me to their room to sleep with them and the room was COVERED in mirrors i would think they’re a psychopath

  • @karl_margs
    @karl_margs Месяц назад +111

    Feeling sad about your partner not having an O is a total self-report. One of my favorite partners had a lot of difficulty having O's with others, but she could usually give herself one pretty easily. We took P in V off the table for a bit and experimented a lot with different toys, techniques, and role playing. O's didn't always happen, but we still had a ton of fun, since we were both willing to experiment broadly.

    • @JayWalkerOnline
      @JayWalkerOnline Месяц назад +41

      Same with me and my girlfriend. She's on estrogen right now and that affects how she orgasms and throughout my life orgasms are in general pretty difficult for me to achieve. But we still have a whole lot of fun, and we do still get each other off, even if orgasms don't happen every time. It honestly was really freeing to stop worrying about trying to make specifically orgasms happen during sex/using orgasms as the end point since it felt like we had a lot more room to experiment with other kinds of pleasure and ways to feel good in our bodies.

    • @karl_margs
      @karl_margs Месяц назад +24

      @@JayWalkerOnline totally! Even with partners where the O comes (pun!) easier, not making the O the whole point significantly broadens the experience.

    • @eis364
      @eis364 Месяц назад +29

      I often find it hard to have one too (with other people, not alone) and honestly if my partner was so sad about that that they cried, I would just feel more pressured and it would be even harder! When it happens it's great but when there's this idea that it HAS to happen it just makes it stressful. You can have a great, amazing time without a single O happening during it

    • @elisecode2212
      @elisecode2212 Месяц назад +7

      I never do with partners and I had one who got upset about it every time, it was annoying (if you’re wondering why I still slept with him, it was worth it). But generally when people act like it’s the point of sex I don’t imagine they’re very good in bed.

  • @merimaker
    @merimaker Месяц назад +6

    12:24 from personal experience, nothing they can say will ever help, but yea if you're soul tied... maybe undo it at that point

  • @bonessai
    @bonessai Месяц назад +134

    Jarvis really said “Mercury is in Gatorade” - and I saw nothing wrong with it for a second

    • @swine13
      @swine13 Месяц назад +5

      Maybe all your shakralytes are clogged up

  • @leebobeebo
    @leebobeebo Месяц назад +95

    how many cervixes has he stabbed with his sword because period blood comes from the uterus

    • @rachelppython
      @rachelppython Месяц назад +15

      Technically it does go through the cervix to get into the vagina but idk if he actually meant that or if he does think it originates in the cervix

    • @FrenkieWest32
      @FrenkieWest32 Месяц назад +1

      Cervix is part of the uterus

  • @moamannerstrom6240
    @moamannerstrom6240 Месяц назад +8

    Dude, your combination of emotionally mature, insightful and comedic commentary calms my fucking soul, thank you!

  • @fragrantiamella
    @fragrantiamella Месяц назад +51

    the phallus as sword thing is sooooo vergilian. I've read at least two or three classics papers about this, genuinely