Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Hunter College/Chemistry 378 (Spring 2018)

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Course name
Chemistry 378
Hunter College
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2018-01-29 00:00:00 UTC – 2018-05-25 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

Biochemistry Lab

Student Assigned Reviewing
Jliang0201 Hydrolase Hydrolase
Amisa.khatri Ion exchange chromotography, Ion chromatography
Sharon1397 Size exclusion chromatography Size exclusion chromatography
Sandywu339 Fatty acid metabolism Fatty acid metabolism
Stam28 Affinity Chromatography
Elinahad RNase R
Jaskaran.ghotra64 Purine metabolism Purine metabolism
Andriyyuzvyak Carbohydrate acetalisation, Acetal
Tjbtk Aptamer Aptamer
Jkolasinac Hapten Hapten
Karoleoblena Alkaline phosphatase Acrylamide
Xgendude42596 Pervaporation
Niceguy522 Mediator (coactivator)
Cliffblnc Sirtuin
Abide2018 Papillomaviridae Papillomaviridae
Metkyrillos330 Lysozyme Affinity Chromatography
Sbavlovych Electroporation Electroporation
Nicholas.Brutus72 Glycolysis Biobattery
Sneha.patel119 Citric acid cycle
Marinaanise Adenosine triphosphate Glycolysis
Mayer joseph Affinity Chromatography
Zeba.khan39 Deoxyribonuclease II Deoxyribonuclease II
JonAst26 Spherulite (polymer physics)
MFahad1996 Cocrystal
Jessiekwan22 DNA polymerase epsilon DNA polymerase epsilon
Vladimir.antoniak Enkephalin
Ahmad.Naeem66 Alkaline phosphatase
Dbhatti123 Bovine serum albumin Bovine serum albumin
Stephanietepan18 Denaturation (biochemistry) Denaturation (biochemistry)
Jsa951624 Chelation
Gkaur250 Ion chromatography
RandyD.17 Glycolysis
Abdelabouelnas HSP90B1 HSP90B1
Patrick.domingo49 Self-assembling peptide
SamiraSiddiqui96 Auger Effect Auger Effect
Yassmineissa Warburg effect Warburg effect
Ewelina.g1014 Oleocanthal Oleocanthal
Ranamekawy Allosteric regulation Allosteric regulation
Migsal95 Citric Acid Cycle Citric Acid Cycle
Tommyhdz Radiochemistry Radiochemistry
Toovini Enzyme activator
Asallen97 Purine metabolism
Monmon218 Sirtuin Sirtuin
Elissak1 Mdm2 Mdm2
SarhAly 378 Denaturation (biochemistry) Denaturation (biochemistry)
Jn1012 POT1 POT1
TsianiAdopleh Size exclusion chromatography
Paljay95 Urushiol Urushiol
Lilia08 Glycolysis
Asifur1996 Hepalocellular carcinoma, Hepatocellular carcinoma
Nathalieli DNA ligase DNA ligase
Criszam13 Spot test
Rsig22 Lysozyme
Marcelam128 Bradford protein assay
Jhalaby Ribonucleotide reductase
Alison.k15 Enzyme kinetics
BillDScienceGuy Carbohydrate Carbohydrate, Affinity Chromatography
Kevinshumfung Biobattery
Editor378 Corey–Itsuno reduction, Kanamienamide
Jeanxavier3 Glycolysis TIGAR
Fsosa12 Spectrophotometry Spectrophotometry
ABD-MANAAF X-gal X-gal
Summerahmad08 Alkaline phosphatase Alkaline Phosphatase
Ssaren00 Ammonium sulfate precipitation Ammonium sulfate precipitation
Kharlalewis95 Polymerase chain reaction Polymerase chain reaction
Marnie.kotlyar Calpain Calpain
Gparmar96 Protein structure Protein structure
Waskarii Glycolysis
Anika Tahsin 59
Gloria.ho74 Alkaline Phosphatase Alkaline Phosphatase
Alex.rambharose Thermostability
Anisa Raidah
Sda370 Gel Gel
Priya222 Warburg Effect Warburg Effect
Brianhero Anti-thrombin aptamers
Abermeo96 Vpr
Rabia51 Sirtuin Sirtuin
Vlad.shknev Oleocanthal Oleocanthal
Aishamunir1 Chelation Chelation
Olga Vafaeva
Schen612 Radiation Chemistry Radiation Chemistry
Ilincagiosan Thermostability Thermostability
Cabigasj97 Thermostability Alkaline Phosphatase
Jeeshanj Chaperone-mediated autophagy
AhsanSaeedd Degenerative disc disease
Simrank95 Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis
Arahman6777 Size-exclusion chromatography
TsimehcNy Cuttlefish
Tmujir Alkaline phosphatase Alkaline phosphatase
MattK147 Glycolysis Glycolysis


Week 7

Course meetings
Monday, 12 March 2018
In class - Wikipedia essentials

  Introduction to how Wikipedia will be used in the course  

Handout: [ Editing Wikipedia

Assignment - Practicing the basics

  Practice Assignment

  • Create a Wikipedia account and join this course page.  
  • Complete the introductory training modules. During this training, you will make edits in a sandbox and learn the basic rules of Wikipedia.  
  • Explore topics related to your topic area to get a feel for how Wikipedia is organized. What areas seem to be missing? As you explore, make a mental note of articles that seem like good candidates for improvement.

Week 8

Course meetings
Monday, 19 March 2018
Editing basics

  During the library workshop we'll discuss:

  • Understanding Wikipedia as a community, we'll discuss its expectations and etiquette.
  • Basics of editing  
  • Anatomy of Wikipedia articles, what makes a good article, how to distinguish between good and bad articles  
  • Collaborating and engaging with the Wiki editing community  
  • Tips on finding the best articles to work on for class assignments

Assignment - Exploring the topic area

Review Wikipedia articles and think about Wikipedia articles related to your biochemistry labs that are missing or could use improvement.

Here is a list of stub articles to review: . The article you choose to edit must be related to one of your labs.


All students have Wikipedia user accounts and are listed on the course page.

Assignment - Add to an article

  Practice Assignment

  • Add 1–2 sentences of new information, backed up with a citation to an appropriate source, to a Wikipedia article related to biochemistry.


Be prepared to explain close paraphrasing, plagiarism, and copyright violations on Wikipedia.

Supplementary training: [[../../../training/students/sources|Sources and Citations

Week 9

Course meetings
Monday, 26 March 2018
Assignment - Choosing your article


  • Your instructor has created a list of potential topics for your main project. Choose the one you will work on.  If you would like to work on a different topic, you must get the article approved the instructor.
  • Compile a bibliography of relevant, reliable sources and post it to the talk page of the article you are working on. Begin reading the sources. Make sure to check in on the talk page (or watchlist) to see if anyone has advice on your bibliography.

Assignment - Wikipedia culture and etiquette


  • If you haven't already, review training about Wikipedia culture and etiquette  and (optionally) sandboxes and how to use them.  
  • Post any questions you have about Wikipedia culture/etiquette and sandboxes to Blackboard.

Week 10

Course meetings
Monday, 2 April 2018
Assignment - Drafting starter articles


  • If you are starting a new article, write a 3–4 paragraph summary version of your article—with citations—in your Wikipedia sandbox. If you are improving an existing article, create a detailed outline reflecting your proposed changes, and post this for community feedback, along with a brief description of your plans, on the article’s talk page. Make sure to check back on the talk page often and engage with any responses.  
  • Continue research in preparation for expanding your article.

All students have started editing articles or drafts on Wikipedia.

Week 11

Course meetings
Monday, 9 April 2018


  • Expand your article into a complete first draft.


  • You should have made substantial edits to your article. You can move your article out of your sandboxes and into Wikipedia's main space.  
  • A general reminder: Don't panic if your contribution disappears, and don't try to force it back in.  
    • Check to see if there is an explanation of the edit on the article's talk page. If not, (politely) ask why it was removed.  
    • Contact your instructor or Wikipedia Content Expert and let them know.

Assignment - Moving articles to mainspace


  • Move your sandbox articles into main space.  
    • If you are expanding an existing article, copy your edit into the article. If you are making many small edits, save after each edit before you make the next one. Do NOT paste over the entire existing article, or large sections of the existing article.  
    • If you are creating a new article, do NOT copy and paste your text, or there will be no record of your work history. Follow the instructions in the "Moving out of your sandbox" handout.  
  • Begin expanding your article into a comprehensive treatment of the topic.

Week 12

Course meetings
Monday, 16 April 2018
Assignment - Continue improving articles


Do additional research and writing to make further improvements to your article, based on your classmates' suggestions and any additional areas for improvement you can identify.

Week 13

Course meetings
Monday, 23 April 2018

Students have finished all their work on Wikipedia that will be considered for grading.

Assignment - Final article
  • Add final touches to your Wikipedia article.

Handout: Polishing your article