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Mar 25, 2014 8:53 AM

Nov 2011
Kooooooooooon. Well, this is the finale. Action really picked up for some climatic finishes. Hell, blood is spilled.

Kon's new form is awesome. I think his opponents definitely underestimated her. Big mistake. I'm glad they got Natsume back though. Anyways, rating this a 7/10. I think the LN omitted parts so might re-read bits of it.

Friend fists, confession, and a kiss. Nice.
Stark700Mar 25, 2014 5:29 PM
Mar 25, 2014 10:41 AM
Oct 2013
How much I love finally that I can finally see both both familiars in "action" :)
9/10 for this anime. Really liked Tokyo Ravens overall and the ending was fantastic.
Mar 25, 2014 10:44 AM

Oct 2013
I was keeping low expectations for the last episode but..Awesome episode.
Finally..FINALLY, two awakenings in this episode, I guess it was worth waiting for this moment.
I fuckin love Kon..
Really liked how the show takes a phenomenal-route in the second half barring few weak episodes in between (if not rushed contents many times).

Definitely, Kon's new(actually is old) form is awesome, loved how her relation with Yakou goes that deep. Forcefully breaking through her seals to save her dying master, nice Kon. +1
I feel bad that the flashback was quite short even if it wasn't that long in the LN :/
I think the author should stop calling Harutora BakaTora now and instead nickname him as YakouTora. ^^

Damn Harutora, first losing your girl twice and then taking a big hit in the eye? much cliche as it looks but one-eyed Harutora is fine.

So Kakugyouki finally shows up? That was actually quite late.
He saved Harutora in the end anyway.

The ritual, the kiss and the confession was good!

Natsume finally gets revived but her revival seems not ..*cough* perfect.
loved the confession scene^^ although it's sad that he left her at the end..then again he said that they will meet again. Bittersweet ending imo. :/

8/10 for the series. In the end, I loved it.
Too bad we don't see terrorist Yakoutora and the two shikigamis BAness :(
NuviMar 25, 2014 11:03 AM
Mar 25, 2014 11:04 AM

Dec 2013
I knew what was going to happen beforehand but it still surprised me that hard.
I seriously waited so long for her to show up and now the time has come!

Hishamaru seriously looks beautiful and she's also strong that was seriously amazing..

As i know, they adapted 9 out of 10 Light-Novel-Volumes or? Pls correct me if i should be wrong.

I thinl, that I will rewatch this Episode a lot of more times and going to start read the light novels!


My endrating is 8/10, all in all a very nice Anime, I was looking forward to it and became everything I wanted to see.
Mar 25, 2014 11:07 AM

Jul 2010
I enjoyed the episode even though I barely understood it, since I watched it raw.
Really hoping that there will be a second season, haven't read the LN so I don't know if there's more of a storyline or not. :B
Mar 25, 2014 11:12 AM

Oct 2013
All these 24 episodes were Part I of the series which adapted first 9 volumes (skipped tons of content though). Part II starts from volume 10 with a shift in MC's POV. There is actually nothing left to animate for a second season and it will take a lot of time to get a sequel worth content. The anime sales are not good too so the possibility of 2nd season is nowhere for now. I hope the LN gets a boost from the anime though. So the last option is to read the LN only.
Mar 25, 2014 11:20 AM

Mar 2010
Uncanny said:
I enjoyed the episode even though I barely understood it, since I watched it raw.
Really hoping that there will be a second season, haven't read the LN so I don't know if there's more of a storyline or not. :B

Season 2 happening will depend on how much of a boost the LN themselves got from the anime. it come anytime so though since as Nuvi said, not enough material.
Mar 25, 2014 11:40 AM

Nov 2012
Season 2 when?
Mar 25, 2014 12:16 PM

Oct 2013
Can someone explain me wtf happened at the end?
Harutora revived Natsume but somehow he didn't fully revived her?

I swear i saw the white room and the first thing it passed through my mind was Evangelion
I write a Light Novel (Spanish) You can read it here(Blogger)
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Mar 25, 2014 12:18 PM

Mar 2009
The 2nd half of the anime was such a good watch compared to the first.
Despite enjoying it still only giving it a 6/10 because all goodness of the 2nd half can't make me forget the first half.....
Would definitely want a s2 for clarification, among other things, though.
Mar 25, 2014 12:32 PM

Oct 2010
Great ending, hoping for a second season once there's sufficient material. Also, is Kon gonna stay in that form now? Cuz while she looks great, I would start to miss her cute, smaller form.
Mar 25, 2014 1:18 PM
Mar 2012
It's out english subbed on funimation already but you need to subscribe to watch it early. Look like no one is going to rip it out. :(
Mar 25, 2014 1:36 PM

Mar 2010
Io_Otonashi said:
Can someone explain me wtf happened at the end?
Harutora revived Natsume but somehow he didn't fully revived her?

I swear i saw the white room and the first thing it passed through my mind was Evangelion

He did revive her, that scene with both of them is shown from Natsume perspective, but because she only semi-conscious it's like dream to her.

Madara31 said:
Great ending, hoping for a second season once there's sufficient material. Also, is Kon gonna stay in that form now? Cuz while she looks great, I would start to miss her cute, smaller form.

It's what she actually looks like, so yes. :)

ZeroMoon said:
It's out english subbed on funimation already but you need to subscribe to watch it early. Look like no one is going to rip it out. :(

This is how it always is. Relax we will get subs in a couple of hours.
Iron_MawMar 25, 2014 2:50 PM
Mar 25, 2014 1:40 PM

Sep 2007
I PRAY there is eventually a 2nd season once the LN gets farther ahead.

I wanted to see Yakoutora kick more a$$ ;___________;

d'awwww the background between Yakou and Kon(er....I mean...whatever her original name was) is so cute~~~
Mar 25, 2014 3:13 PM

Sep 2008
What is with ending these days?!
I want second season!
There must be second season!

That ending, was so pretty!
Oh! HarutoraxNatsume *.*
Love this couple!
This confession, this kiss... ;(

Harutora is such badass! *.*
but I don't like adult!Kon... :/
I prefer chibi or between chibi and adult xD

This was such good series,
and such cool cast, characters...
but this ending...
Oh, please give me more...
Mar 25, 2014 3:18 PM

Jul 2010
So Kon really had a love-crush on Harutora ever since he was Yakou, and was waiting for his eventual reincarnation. She's so sweet~ I like her hair best when she first met Yakoutora.

So Kakugyouki is also Harutora's Shikigami or Imperial Pallbearer or something? Why is he so damn late?
And isn't Kakugyouki the one who kinda made Touji into a Half-Ogre? How is Touji going to react to this?

Why is Harutora leaving? Where is he going?

And lol the princess is pissing her pants off for killing Natsume. Serves her right.
Mar 25, 2014 3:24 PM

Jul 2013
Natsume thought she was dreaming, including the kiss.
Harutora left because he reincarnated himself for a reason other than rolling around in a futon with Natsume. He has his list of things to do as Yakou and left for that. But with regards to why he didnt bring her with him, its up to speculation. It may or may not have to do with the Taizun Fukun ritual.
Mar 25, 2014 3:27 PM

Sep 2011
Pretty okay show overall, had it's disappointments here and there, but it's still a solid 7/10 for me. Cute ending there.
Mar 25, 2014 3:29 PM
Jun 2013
Kon kicked ass this episode
7/10 overall
Mar 25, 2014 3:41 PM

Aug 2012
Good ending, loved the atmosphere and the OST was great. Respect for Hishamaru. I guess we know who the three in the doorway are now.

7/10, left me intrigued enough to think about giving the LN a try sometime.
Mar 25, 2014 3:52 PM

Aug 2012
Really want a season 2 of this >-< it'd be a shame to end it as soon as Harutora awakens as Yakou without showing us what he's capable of. I know that the anime covers 9/10 of the current light novels out so it'll be a long time until then. Either way I'm reading the LNs when volume 10 is out in English, seems like it will take a while though.

Does someone have a time machine i could barrow?
Mar 25, 2014 3:54 PM

May 2013
Kon was freaking awesome. Harutora and Natsume kissing at the end :)

Now I'm confused as to what Harutora is doing at the end. Wish there was a second season of this.
Mar 25, 2014 3:57 PM
May 2013
Was another awesome episode but the ending was just really rushed and just caused confusion but nevertheless I'm glad they finally kissed.
Mar 25, 2014 3:58 PM
Feb 2012
>o< That ending so cute, wish we got a reason why he left her
Mar 25, 2014 4:05 PM

Aug 2013
Not sure how to feel about this ending.

Sweet - Cue touching piano piece with revival of Natsume and most people alive.
Bittersweet - Phone call from Suzu to group of friends, but she doesn't tell everything.
Sweet - That bed confession scene...
Bittersweet - Harutora leaves Natsume/friends and into the sunsetrising sun to do something?

They really want us to buy the light novels huh.

Honestly throughout this show I felt rather bored by the generic moments and too confused on most of the plot progression and who was who. I might pick up the light novel so I actually know what is going on. These last few episodes were nice though. Also that teenage then adult Kon...
Mar 25, 2014 4:07 PM

May 2012
Great last episode. Kon really Did it for me this episode. Kon is hot and powerful. I'm guessing Harutora finally became Yakou or both? So Kon and that one arm guy is his familiars. All three of them look bad ass. Wonder if his eye will heal.

Glad to see a Natsume is back. Finally she told him she loved him. Was waiting for that for so long. Dat kiss.

Was going to rate this 6/10, but Kon and the feel of this episode made raise it to 7/10. I wouldn't mind a second season of this.
Mar 25, 2014 4:08 PM
Mar 2014
Damn I wish there was more.

I know there's the 10th volume but it isn't translated at baka-tsuki. So is there any place else to read volume ten? Because some comments I've read make it sound like there is and I'm dying to see what happens next.
Mar 25, 2014 4:10 PM

Jul 2013
Hishamaru kicking ass.
heh, HarutoraxNatsume.
Dat confession and kiss

And the fist bump
Would like to see a 2nd season.
Mar 25, 2014 4:12 PM

Dec 2010
Such a good and satisfying ending
Unlike SnK or Sankarea,because this probably was the best ending point for an adaptation. had they gone over to the 10th volume they would have ruined it.
I'm glad the episode focused on her as much as i had expected
So hishamaru centric,screw you reiji and you retard shaver for making harutora and kon go through all that (though im kinda glad cuz they awakened through that ordeal) though i wanted hishamaru to kick some reiji ass and punish him more so i'd be satisfied .-.
Nice ending with kakugyouki and the resurrection and the fist bump and the kiss and the general badassery, tho i wished that hishamaru would have had a showdown with yashamaru :3 would have been nice to see their true powers
Even though the first half of this anime sucked the ending of the first half (otomo vs doman) and some really strong episodes in the second half (plus the ending and hishamaru ofcourse) more than made up for it
8/10 for the prospect this story holds
i do realise thats kinda high for this but hishamaru <3
"If you don't love anyone, it'll make your life easier. But, I don't want to believe it's useless to love anyone" - Hikari Sakishima
Mar 25, 2014 4:16 PM

Feb 2008
So uhh........... there needs to be a season 2.
Mar 25, 2014 4:19 PM

Feb 2011
ending wasn't fulfilling enough for me.
Mar 25, 2014 4:20 PM
Nov 2013
AHH THE FEELS!!!!!! SEASON 2 PLZ!!!! Man I really enjoy this anime sad that it had to end...on the bright side though KON KICKED SOME AZZZZZZZZZ
Mar 25, 2014 4:22 PM

Feb 2012
wait.. I still don't really get the ending. Where is Harutora going at the end? So if Natsume is half conscious, does that mean she can't interact with the real world? Where was that white room, in Natsume's dreams, or somewhere in the real world?
I'm kind of lost.
Mar 25, 2014 4:27 PM
Oct 2013
Was i the only one that seemed like the anime was setting up for a next season? Rather then rushing the ending and not answering the questions it seemeed like it was putting up more questions.
Mar 25, 2014 4:28 PM

Sep 2013
So that's Kon's story.

The crow's sounds when they attacked was funny :P

Suzuka so cute, dependable, and awesome; out of all the characters in this anime she has changed the most.

Suzu betrayed them? I'm curious now.

Older Kon interesting.

The Ogre where the hell he come from 0_0 I guess he was one of Yakou's servants?

Jin is so badass he made Doman his familiar :O

Strange ending, but not bad; that kiss at the end was very sweet though. Although what does "kind of" mean exactly?
Mar 25, 2014 4:31 PM
Feb 2012
Nuvi said:
All these 24 episodes were Part I of the series which adapted first 9 volumes (skipped tons of content though). Part II starts from volume 10 with a shift in MC's POV. There is actually nothing left to animate for a second season and it will take a lot of time to get a sequel worth content. The anime sales are not good too so the possibility of 2nd season is nowhere for now. I hope the LN gets a boost from the anime though. So the last option is to read the LN only.

Who's PoV does it switch to?
Mar 25, 2014 4:33 PM
Jan 2014
Someone mind telling me what exactly happened in the end? What did they mean when they said that the Ritual "Kind of" worked? Where was Natsume? Just need a small answer nothing too far into the manga/LN... :S.
Mar 25, 2014 4:47 PM
Feb 2009
ohh myy godd yess!!!! that sweet kiss it finally happened Harutora x Natsume <3
Mar 25, 2014 4:53 PM

Nov 2013
someone explain why he leaves in the end...
Mar 25, 2014 5:00 PM
Jan 2014
herrickluk said:
someone explain why he leaves in the end...

Probably because since he finally became the reincarnation of Yakou, he has a lot more responsibilities as Yakou.
Mar 25, 2014 5:01 PM
Feb 2014
allhey-cookies said:
Was i the only one that seemed like the anime was setting up for a next season? Rather then rushing the ending and not answering the questions it seemeed like it was putting up more questions.

Its not really setting up for a new season as its just following the light novel. Thats how the light novel ended, as an intro to the Tokyo Ravens world.

GGNoodles said:
Natsume thought she was dreaming, including the kiss.
Harutora left because he reincarnated himself for a reason other than rolling around in a futon with Natsume. He has his list of things to do as Yakou and left for that. But with regards to why he didnt bring her with him, its up to speculation. It may or may not have to do with the Taizun Fukun ritual.

At least give me credit when you copy my post on reddit.
Mar 25, 2014 5:04 PM

Feb 2013
Can someone who has read the LN tell me how nasume revive didn't go as planned and put it in a spoiler tag cuz its driving me crazy to know :p
Mar 25, 2014 5:05 PM

May 2011
JoshDmayuga98 said:
Someone mind telling me what exactly happened in the end? What did they mean when they said that the Ritual "Kind of" worked? Where was Natsume? Just need a small answer nothing too far into the manga/LN... :S.

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Mar 25, 2014 5:08 PM
Mar 2014
Totally loved this episode, the ending was quite bittersweet though. Poor Natsume, poor Toji and the others - Harutora/Yakou leaving without telling where's he off to.
Kon totally kicked ass - strong and supercute. Strange she could remember some memories though, the LN tells that all her memories are completely sealed together with the most of her powers. Yet, in the anime she remembers multiple parts and decides to ignore the pain it might bring and unseal her powers. Who sealed her powers in the first place? Yusuzime, together with her form and with Harutora's latent powers?
Good to see Kakugyouki coming back on time. I'd like to see Reiyi's butt getting majorly kicked by Harutora/Yakou. Also - I've got the impression Douman has fought Yakou before, and lost but not with such a big margin. Knowing that Oohtomo beated Douman by a fair margin, and Yakou is/was one of the most powerfull onmouyi, at which position of power are Harutora as the awakened Yakou, and Oohtomo 'Shadow' Jin.
Zenjiro might have to fight Oohtomo in the next season. Clearly Oohtomo was just testing Zenjiro, and Zenjiro didn't use his full power either yet - although not sufficient, considering he got tricked by Oohtomo at an vital moment.
And Douman as Oohtomo's familiar... hm, dangerous...

Harutora is out to fulfill his responsibilities. I bet one of those is cleaning out the Onmiyou agency - he cannot ignore the blatent abuse of power and trickery there by the Kurahashi family head, leader of the Twin-Horned Syndicate (thereby responsible for a lot of problems and terroristic actions) and Onmiyou agency director, Genji Kurahashi.
Besides that, he'll certainly need to clean out the aftereffect of whatever went wrong after his reincaration ritual, whatever has caused the onset of spiritual disasters.

BenMSMar 25, 2014 5:22 PM
Knight of the Obsidian Order
Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR

Animatic (Anime-fanatic)
Mar 25, 2014 5:14 PM
Mar 2012
Harutora is such an ass. After all he said in earlier episode to not revive the dead to Suzuha, at last he revive natsume. Even BEFORE he know that reviving the dead isn't taboo(?). What a hypocrite.
Mar 25, 2014 5:20 PM

Jul 2010
Silvertongue00 said:
Harutora is such an ass. After all he said in earlier episode to not revive the dead to Suzuha, at last he revive natsume. Even BEFORE he know that reviving the dead isn't taboo(?). What a hypocrite.

I thought he was against Suzuka's planned resurrection because she was thinking of exchanging a life for it. Her life.
Mar 25, 2014 5:21 PM
Feb 2014
Silvertongue00 said:
Harutora is such an ass. After all he said in earlier episode to not revive the dead to Suzuha, at last he revive natsume. Even BEFORE he know that reviving the dead isn't taboo(?). What a hypocrite.

Well in his defence, it wasnt about resurrecting someone. He didnt have problems with that. His problem was that she has to kill herself to do it and leave her brother with the consequences and in the same situation with a dead sibling.
Mar 25, 2014 5:25 PM
Mar 2014
scribblicious said:
Silvertongue00 said:
Harutora is such an ass. After all he said in earlier episode to not revive the dead to Suzuha, at last he revive natsume. Even BEFORE he know that reviving the dead isn't taboo(?). What a hypocrite.

Well in his defence, it wasnt about resurrecting someone. He didnt have problems with that. His problem was that she has to kill herself to do it and leave her brother with the consequences and in the same situation with a dead sibling.

redd530 said:
Silvertongue00 said:
Harutora is such an ass. After all he said in earlier episode to not revive the dead to Suzuha, at last he revive natsume. Even BEFORE he know that reviving the dead isn't taboo(?). What a hypocrite.

I thought he was against Suzuka's planned resurrection because she was thinking of exchanging a life for it. Her life.

As redd530 and scribblicious said. It was because she was going to sacrifice her own life, leaving her brother in the reverse situation. He didn't oppose resurrection - but he opposed the situation that would come to exist - her brother alive, but full of guilt after he finds his sister dead. That can drive someone over the edge to suicide. Making all the sacrifices worth zilch.
Knight of the Obsidian Order
Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR

Animatic (Anime-fanatic)
Mar 25, 2014 5:26 PM

Jun 2012
Awesome stuff there. Didnt expect Hishmarus appearence to be this stunning. Really loved the ending of this anime :). But i dont think there will be a second season anytime soon, since the anime covers the first 9 volumes and there are only 11 right now. Unfortunately baka tsuki isnt far enough with the novel, but my hope is still there. But i dont think the novel will last any longer, somehow i cant imagine what is going to happen now, since the identity from yakou is revealed and he has awoken lol.
Mar 25, 2014 5:28 PM

Sep 2011
It was a great ending. I hope there is a season 2.
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