I Built a LEGO Robot that makes Coffee at

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • In this video, I build a LEGO robot to make me coffee, on top of a totally perfect coffee machine, so that I can save literally 2 minutes of my morning, by NOT DOING a super simple task...
    People who inspire me:
    @William Osman
    @Mark Rober
    @I Like To Make Stuff
    Disclaimer: Brick Science is NOT sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with Mr. Coffee coffee machines.

Комментарии • 661

  • @Brick_Science
    @Brick_Science  3 года назад +199

    What’s your go-to Coffee Order?

  • @puzzLEGO
    @puzzLEGO 3 года назад +110

    I literally cannot stop laughing because the eyes on the sides make it look like the coffee is coming out of its mouth

    • @ZeroAnalogy
      @ZeroAnalogy 3 года назад +6

      At least they are wide-awake eyes. If I'm going to drink Coffee Bot spit, it better be lively!

    • @ralphadrianeflores6353
      @ralphadrianeflores6353 3 года назад +1

      Puzzlego must be needing this

    • @MilkyWay-eh9ij
      @MilkyWay-eh9ij 3 года назад +1

      Thanks for the image in my head of someone barfing coffee

    • @ShadowImposter_
      @ShadowImposter_ 2 года назад

      @@ZeroAnalogy Coffee Bot vomit tbh

    • @ZeroAnalogy
      @ZeroAnalogy 2 года назад

      @@ShadowImposter_ If there were some coffee bean grounds, then I would agree.

  • @Bippwatt
    @Bippwatt 2 года назад +18

    Can we appreciate that Ella's question of "Wait what's in it?" perfectly demonstrates the kind of sibling relationship these two have?

  • @TheKingofRandom
    @TheKingofRandom 3 года назад +49

    As a coffee lover...I LOVE THIS and NEED this at the TKOR Studio😂😂 10/10 idea! - Grace

  • @LegoDrummerDude07
    @LegoDrummerDude07 Год назад +3

    Riley: says he is too lazy to make morning coffee.
    Also Riley: Is bothered enough to build a robot to do it for him.

  • @TheUnknownCatWarrior
    @TheUnknownCatWarrior 2 года назад +5

    1. Build a centrifugal water pump with legos to pump the water.
    2. Use a hopper and agitator mechanism to release the grounds.
    3. Use a piston to push the button.

  • @Lego_Dude5000
    @Lego_Dude5000 3 года назад +14

    Riley: "I work really late, so I wake up really late"
    Me: I am confusion

  • @AstonishingStudios
    @AstonishingStudios 3 года назад +225

    I love how there’s intense coding music when you’re simply programming in Scratch! 😆😂

  • @JulienNeel
    @JulienNeel 3 года назад +3

    This was brilliant! The idea, the execution, the video editing, and your proud smile when it actually worked. I was giggling watching this.
    Well done man! Happy new subscriber here.

  • @infinityfringe
    @infinityfringe 3 года назад +7

    i have that exact coffee maker, it has a setting to brew coffee at a certain time. if you load the water, filter, and grounds (which you have to do for the lego contraption) then you just hit a button and it will brew automatically.

  • @FrozenFanta
    @FrozenFanta 3 года назад +16

    3:48 the coffee machine litterally has a function to delay the brewing itself 😅
    I know that's not what the video is really about, and I enjoyed it very much.

  • @shawnplays247
    @shawnplays247 3 года назад +1

    2:18 when life gives u lemons. SSS

  • @patait
    @patait 3 года назад +5

    The look on his face when the motor falls completely deserves an Oscar 😂

  • @ibuildstuff
    @ibuildstuff 3 года назад +2

    Very cool!
    You should try expanding the storage for the water and coffee grounds so you don’t need to refill every time.

  • @Shutup634
    @Shutup634 2 года назад +4

    The ev3 was such a step up from the nxt. It'd be really cool to see if you can get your hands on some original mindstorm components and see what's possible. I remember the original mindstorm bricks being built into window climbing robots and whatnot. Absolutely love your content

  • @Surul.i
    @Surul.i 3 года назад +3

    This was probably the most genius idea EVER. Especially the gyroscope thing you did with the string. AMAZING.

  • @Stylarbricks
    @Stylarbricks 3 года назад +5

    I'm tying to make a robot invention of lego but great work😀

  • @Da_Bold
    @Da_Bold 3 года назад +5

    Riley: *spends 3 and a half hours to build a lego coffee machine*
    Also Riley:by the way this isn't my coffe machine

  • @doktakablooey
    @doktakablooey 3 года назад +6

    Riley's videos are getting crazier and crazier and it's awesome 😂

  • @kurunei
    @kurunei 3 года назад +4

    Riley: I’m too lazy to make my own coffee
    Also Riley: Oh well I’ll make a lego robot make coffee for me
    Me: this mans gonna become the einstein of lego

  • @Cherrie_The_Shifter
    @Cherrie_The_Shifter Год назад +2

    Your smart, and I love watching your content, GG!.

  • @lunashadow119
    @lunashadow119 3 года назад +4

    I like how this is done with non matching pieces (so there not all one colour) as that's more realistic then being able to find bricks that all match. Also I would love to have one of these

    • @vince7007
      @vince7007 3 года назад

      I know right 🤣

  • @KathrineAnnVlogs
    @KathrineAnnVlogs 3 года назад +3

    Congrats on 100k! You're blowing up FAST!

  • @SirRiceBurger
    @SirRiceBurger 2 года назад +2

    This was an absolutely insane build. Good job, man.

  • @michaelafton9773
    @michaelafton9773 2 года назад +1

    I drink coffee in the morning too also can you make a steam train that runs on air on and use four piston rods for manual filling air and driving please and thank you

  • @kellyathow
    @kellyathow 3 года назад +2

    Great video, for you next one do a lego skatepark.

  • @Memorias_delalma
    @Memorias_delalma 3 года назад +2

    You should build a working helicopter made out of LEGO

  • @milocunningham3326
    @milocunningham3326 2 года назад

    Brick science says this is laziness, I call it genius design at its peak.

  • @porkpie1968
    @porkpie1968 2 года назад +1

    I've already got a VERY SIMILIAR machine, but it has a plate that keeps the coffee warm after its made foe a long time, and also has the "make coffee at this time" function.
    But having it put the coffee in is genius!

  • @RealTerrainHobbies
    @RealTerrainHobbies 3 года назад +9

    I NEED THIS!!! 😁

  • @TheBrickGuys
    @TheBrickGuys 2 года назад

    When he poured the coffee in the mug, the camera quality looked like a 90s commercial

  • @AXLB11
    @AXLB11 3 года назад +3

    I wish I had the amount of legos to do that it’s so cool

  • @Cecilplays95
    @Cecilplays95 2 года назад

    I need to say................................. nice, you make everything work with Legos! :)

  • @brickinvention
    @brickinvention 3 года назад +5

    Yo that’s so cool can’t wait to see the premiere

    • @brickinvention
      @brickinvention 3 года назад

      yo That’s Epic!!! love the google eyes on the coffee machine it’s got a lot of character and Personality

  • @michellesomerswhelan1180
    @michellesomerswhelan1180 2 года назад

    When you want coffee and remember that one of your 100 Lego robots don’t do it for you

  • @edisonaung6373
    @edisonaung6373 3 года назад +3

    I remember when I first started watching you, you were at 7k subscribers and now look how far u have come. Congrats man

  • @brickmech3946
    @brickmech3946 3 года назад +2

    Can't wait to watch this video even it premieres in 9 hours.

  • @Nplay44
    @Nplay44 3 года назад +1

    You're soon up this perfection

  • @CR0WCR0W
    @CR0WCR0W 3 года назад +3

    That looks awesome!

  • @RiderWascool
    @RiderWascool 9 месяцев назад +1

    Poo poo is yummy. It looks like coffee.

  • @Astronautgamer1
    @Astronautgamer1 3 года назад

    Hi you make pretty cool Lego. Lego should sell your artwork for a lot of money and give the money to you so you can make more money

  • @kevinjiang9980
    @kevinjiang9980 2 года назад +1

    i’m not that creative and i don’t have any lego pieces that makes a scooper , a lid lifter or a button presser

  • @idontknowwhatimdoing-gu3ny
    @idontknowwhatimdoing-gu3ny 3 года назад


  • @TheVellfireEditz
    @TheVellfireEditz 3 года назад

    3:56 I like how the music just slowly becomes dull.

  • @karlability4886
    @karlability4886 3 года назад +1

    "Aahh what a great day at the office ima make some cof- AAAAAH WHAT THE HECK JIM YOU GOT A WHOLE LEGO COFFEE BOT?"

  • @jett9532
    @jett9532 2 года назад +1

    this guy can make an automatic coffee machine and no one else can lol

  • @Adutyofcare
    @Adutyofcare 3 года назад +1

    You have definitively grown fast this year! Good job on over 100k

  • @mitox.
    @mitox. 3 года назад +1

    So now you can make a full LEGO watergun! xD

  • @TurnaboutAkamia
    @TurnaboutAkamia 3 года назад +3

    Ahhh, laborious laziness. Gotta love how inventive it can be. lol
    My go-to coffee order is probably a vanilla or caramel cappuccino. Or on a particularly good day, a caramel frappé, though some might argue that's more dessert than coffee.

  • @MaysamHussain-j8f
    @MaysamHussain-j8f 2 месяца назад

    To improve this "Coffee Machine Invention" you can, use a bigger straw to withdraw a larger amount of water, making the water segment of the water quicker.
    Made with Gemini + Chat GPT

  • @MegaGadgetdude
    @MegaGadgetdude 3 года назад +4

    after 20.5 days, you would save 3 hours and 25 minutes.
    so this invention, after just little of a month will be giving you pure time savings

  • @Gamer_Boy237
    @Gamer_Boy237 Год назад

    Bro so nice😮❤

  • @lieutenantdan9542
    @lieutenantdan9542 2 года назад +1

    This is amazing good job

  • @BuildItCreations1
    @BuildItCreations1 3 года назад +1

    That machine looks like it’s seen something that it wasn’t supposed to see

  • @BrickScienceShorts
    @BrickScienceShorts 3 года назад

    This is so cool!!!

  • @stratosphere0038
    @stratosphere0038 3 года назад +1

    This is actually really creative lol, I love it!

  • @samson1077
    @samson1077 2 года назад

    made me laugh when you stirred it with the lego piece

  • @LegoWondersOfficial
    @LegoWondersOfficial 5 месяцев назад

    People are happiest when they do what they love.

  • @Maxx23
    @Maxx23 3 года назад +1

    Next you should modify this to make it make lego coffee

  • @The_glitch106
    @The_glitch106 2 года назад

    Riley every time:I lost my Lego eye protection! Riley: I will never lose my coffe machine

  • @DavesBrickHouse
    @DavesBrickHouse 3 года назад +5

    An amusing idea, and super satisfying to watch it come to fruition (and work!). Nice work Riley.

  • @Saint_Evangelista
    @Saint_Evangelista 3 года назад

    Idea: Make a automatic lego door opener.

  • @TieMonkeyMC
    @TieMonkeyMC 3 года назад +1

    I'm actually thoroughly upset he didn't use a Lego mug for the coffee.

  • @WEGOGO3000
    @WEGOGO3000 3 года назад +2

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

  • @Logiebear2310
    @Logiebear2310 3 года назад

    I thought you would make a 100% lego coffee machine but still cool

  • @pettssontube
    @pettssontube 3 года назад

    Good job. All you need to do every day now is empty the filter, put a new one in, refill the scooper and refill the bottle. Instead of putting it directly in the coffee machine.

  • @Scarstat
    @Scarstat 3 года назад +1

    Brick Science: I’m too lazy to do it my self
    Also Brick Science: Builds a whole robot

  • @scotttaylor3334
    @scotttaylor3334 3 года назад +2

    Dude, amazing channel, amazing projects and amazing presentation. Well done!
    You need to trademark your invention... You should call it the Gyro-Scoop!

    • @Brick_Science
      @Brick_Science  3 года назад +1

      Wow, thanks!

    • @scotttaylor3334
      @scotttaylor3334 3 года назад

      @@Brick_Science I'm a marketing guy, so I have come up with names for things for a living...
      Seriously, great channel and great invention.

  • @thelegoengineer1647
    @thelegoengineer1647 3 года назад +1

    what pieces did you use to make that water pump? I wanted to make it
    so I did what you did in the video and it did not work
    if you could help that would be great, thanks!

  • @ayaanrathore
    @ayaanrathore Год назад

    "And now we have to build the scooper"
    Every FNAF fan: 😱

  • @bobbythomasson6389
    @bobbythomasson6389 2 года назад

    I like how you literally just build a freaking robot out of lego and like at the end your mind I could just like read it it’s like this was like medium

  • @rachelhibbert
    @rachelhibbert 2 года назад

    I like how he just stands there while the Lego coffee machine takes for ever just to make one Little coffee even though he can just make it in just 2m🤣🤣

  • @yoitsliem2785
    @yoitsliem2785 3 года назад +1

    My question is do you still use it

  • @christosproductions5748
    @christosproductions5748 3 года назад +1

    FNaF fans when he says scooper: (0o0)

  • @Hamdan_Arif
    @Hamdan_Arif 2 года назад

    He passed kindetgarden MIT and now he's here making a lego coffee machine

  • @verycoolsportsedits
    @verycoolsportsedits 3 года назад +1

    Everyone has to agree, this is just amazing!

  • @curtisbento2750
    @curtisbento2750 Год назад

    9:10 riley)what does it taste like?? ( ella coffe ( Riley) nice 😊

  • @DevTebo
    @DevTebo 3 года назад +1

    Hey Riley, I have been doing lego EV3 and tons of electronic builds with Lego maybe sometime we can do a collaboration

  • @digitalninjagamer750
    @digitalninjagamer750 2 года назад +1

    Hey Brick Science,
    You are an absolute legend!!! Loved your videos. I do want to ask you something, though. How do you use that code to control the motors? Please help. Earned you a subscriber!!!!

  • @FredbearOfficial
    @FredbearOfficial 3 года назад +1

    Haven't even watched it yet, but it looks like he's gonna make a bomb powered by coffee.
    Watched it, I was *absolutely correct.*

  • @kadenvanciel9335
    @kadenvanciel9335 Год назад

    Maybe look at Dr. Engine’s video about milk crotchets to build one for cappuccinos. Could be for an interesting companion to your coffee maker.

  • @BoxMan390
    @BoxMan390 Год назад

    Brick science 2050 “today I built a drivable Lego car”

  • @hk._.
    @hk._. 2 года назад

    My man can just build what he wants if he can't afford it

  • @offlinegaegt4429
    @offlinegaegt4429 3 года назад

    Pretty cool, btw do u use it actually?

  • @tishansenaratne4163
    @tishansenaratne4163 3 года назад

    This is amazing!
    Great work Railey .And the idea of making a coffee mechine is very cool

  • @lt.danhooper1635
    @lt.danhooper1635 3 года назад

    You should turn on slow chat next time. It's kinda mind-melting trying to read the comments

  • @Usotokolava76
    @Usotokolava76 3 года назад +8

    I’m waiting

  • @mflarino
    @mflarino 3 года назад

    "Heck ya you should, it was friggin awesome!"

  • @GenericStud
    @GenericStud 3 года назад

    Will this work for tea?

  • @5589529
    @5589529 2 года назад

    100 years old has a lego doctor and lego assistants

  • @markusdoenklangaldstedt539
    @markusdoenklangaldstedt539 3 года назад

    “I am too lazy to make coffee in the morning”
    *Builds a machine that takes time*

  • @blueshell_dev
    @blueshell_dev 3 года назад

    What does this mans house look like at this point

  • @Mr.Random98
    @Mr.Random98 3 года назад

    this is cool and all but there are some coffee machines that you can set to make coffee at a certain time so if you want to have it make Coffee at 7 AM you could do that

  • @dontetenon8796
    @dontetenon8796 3 года назад

    Hay man, good idea you should get a 3D printed bottle or 1/2 gallon jug, or multiple piped together and connect to your build.

  • @andrewgamer1501
    @andrewgamer1501 3 года назад +2


  • @jeffjarne6925
    @jeffjarne6925 2 года назад +1

    1 little ity bity thing BLOCKS ISN'T CODING just sating yk

  • @Sunny_day286
    @Sunny_day286 3 года назад

    Can you please build a Lego incense holder?

  • @RogueHimself
    @RogueHimself 3 года назад

    It would honestly be easier to just wake up 10 minutes nice build tho😀

  • @monkeysplanet5157
    @monkeysplanet5157 3 года назад

    Can you make the among us wire task? And maybe you could team up with Mark Rober to make the ultimate squirrel maze 3.0

  • @nikunjsingh1134
    @nikunjsingh1134 3 года назад

    Another idea make a bus which has sliding door and they open when it stops