I Built a LEGO Robot that makes Coffee at
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- In this video, I build a LEGO robot to make me coffee, on top of a totally perfect coffee machine, so that I can save literally 2 minutes of my morning, by NOT DOING a super simple task...
People who inspire me:
@William Osman
@Mark Rober
@I Like To Make Stuff
Disclaimer: Brick Science is NOT sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with Mr. Coffee coffee machines.
What’s your go-to Coffee Order?
Starbucks Java chip or at home with milk and a little sweetener.
What about you?
Latte please
I literally cannot stop laughing because the eyes on the sides make it look like the coffee is coming out of its mouth
At least they are wide-awake eyes. If I'm going to drink Coffee Bot spit, it better be lively!
Puzzlego must be needing this
Thanks for the image in my head of someone barfing coffee
@@ZeroAnalogy Coffee Bot vomit tbh
@@ShadowImposter_ If there were some coffee bean grounds, then I would agree.
Can we appreciate that Ella's question of "Wait what's in it?" perfectly demonstrates the kind of sibling relationship these two have?
As a coffee lover...I LOVE THIS and NEED this at the TKOR Studio😂😂 10/10 idea! - Grace
Thank you so much!!
Second reply
Mr egg dude your right but your also not
Wow!! TKOR watches Brick Science
You are so cool!!!
Riley: says he is too lazy to make morning coffee.
Also Riley: Is bothered enough to build a robot to do it for him.
1. Build a centrifugal water pump with legos to pump the water.
2. Use a hopper and agitator mechanism to release the grounds.
3. Use a piston to push the button.
Riley: "I work really late, so I wake up really late"
Me: I am confusion
I love how there’s intense coding music when you’re simply programming in Scratch! 😆😂
Fish egg
@@bestbomb111 what
scratch is intense
This was brilliant! The idea, the execution, the video editing, and your proud smile when it actually worked. I was giggling watching this.
Well done man! Happy new subscriber here.
i have that exact coffee maker, it has a setting to brew coffee at a certain time. if you load the water, filter, and grounds (which you have to do for the lego contraption) then you just hit a button and it will brew automatically.
3:48 the coffee machine litterally has a function to delay the brewing itself 😅
I know that's not what the video is really about, and I enjoyed it very much.
2:18 when life gives u lemons. SSS
The look on his face when the motor falls completely deserves an Oscar 😂
Very cool!
You should try expanding the storage for the water and coffee grounds so you don’t need to refill every time.
The ev3 was such a step up from the nxt. It'd be really cool to see if you can get your hands on some original mindstorm components and see what's possible. I remember the original mindstorm bricks being built into window climbing robots and whatnot. Absolutely love your content
This was probably the most genius idea EVER. Especially the gyroscope thing you did with the string. AMAZING.
I'm tying to make a robot invention of lego but great work😀
Riley: *spends 3 and a half hours to build a lego coffee machine*
Also Riley:by the way this isn't my coffe machine
Riley's videos are getting crazier and crazier and it's awesome 😂
Riley: I’m too lazy to make my own coffee
Also Riley: Oh well I’ll make a lego robot make coffee for me
Me: this mans gonna become the einstein of lego
Your smart, and I love watching your content, GG!.
I like how this is done with non matching pieces (so there not all one colour) as that's more realistic then being able to find bricks that all match. Also I would love to have one of these
I know right 🤣
Congrats on 100k! You're blowing up FAST!
This was an absolutely insane build. Good job, man.
I drink coffee in the morning too also can you make a steam train that runs on air on and use four piston rods for manual filling air and driving please and thank you
Great video, for you next one do a lego skatepark.
You should build a working helicopter made out of LEGO
Brick science says this is laziness, I call it genius design at its peak.
I've already got a VERY SIMILIAR machine, but it has a plate that keeps the coffee warm after its made foe a long time, and also has the "make coffee at this time" function.
But having it put the coffee in is genius!
When he poured the coffee in the mug, the camera quality looked like a 90s commercial
I wish I had the amount of legos to do that it’s so cool
I need to say................................. nice, you make everything work with Legos! :)
Yo that’s so cool can’t wait to see the premiere
yo That’s Epic!!! love the google eyes on the coffee machine it’s got a lot of character and Personality
When you want coffee and remember that one of your 100 Lego robots don’t do it for you
I remember when I first started watching you, you were at 7k subscribers and now look how far u have come. Congrats man
Can't wait to watch this video even it premieres in 9 hours.
You're soon up this perfection
That looks awesome!
Poo poo is yummy. It looks like coffee.
Hi you make pretty cool Lego. Lego should sell your artwork for a lot of money and give the money to you so you can make more money
i’m not that creative and i don’t have any lego pieces that makes a scooper , a lid lifter or a button presser
3:56 I like how the music just slowly becomes dull.
"Aahh what a great day at the office ima make some cof- AAAAAH WHAT THE HECK JIM YOU GOT A WHOLE LEGO COFFEE BOT?"
this guy can make an automatic coffee machine and no one else can lol
You have definitively grown fast this year! Good job on over 100k
So now you can make a full LEGO watergun! xD
Ahhh, laborious laziness. Gotta love how inventive it can be. lol
My go-to coffee order is probably a vanilla or caramel cappuccino. Or on a particularly good day, a caramel frappé, though some might argue that's more dessert than coffee.
To improve this "Coffee Machine Invention" you can, use a bigger straw to withdraw a larger amount of water, making the water segment of the water quicker.
Made with Gemini + Chat GPT
after 20.5 days, you would save 3 hours and 25 minutes.
so this invention, after just little of a month will be giving you pure time savings
Bro so nice😮❤
This is amazing good job
That machine looks like it’s seen something that it wasn’t supposed to see
This is so cool!!!
Bro it’s You 😂😂
This is actually really creative lol, I love it!
made me laugh when you stirred it with the lego piece
People are happiest when they do what they love.
Next you should modify this to make it make lego coffee
Riley every time:I lost my Lego eye protection! Riley: I will never lose my coffe machine
An amusing idea, and super satisfying to watch it come to fruition (and work!). Nice work Riley.
Thanks Dave!! Appreciate that!
Idea: Make a automatic lego door opener.
I'm actually thoroughly upset he didn't use a Lego mug for the coffee.
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
I thought you would make a 100% lego coffee machine but still cool
Good job. All you need to do every day now is empty the filter, put a new one in, refill the scooper and refill the bottle. Instead of putting it directly in the coffee machine.
Brick Science: I’m too lazy to do it my self
Also Brick Science: Builds a whole robot
Dude, amazing channel, amazing projects and amazing presentation. Well done!
You need to trademark your invention... You should call it the Gyro-Scoop!
Wow, thanks!
@@Brick_Science I'm a marketing guy, so I have come up with names for things for a living...
Seriously, great channel and great invention.
what pieces did you use to make that water pump? I wanted to make it
so I did what you did in the video and it did not work
if you could help that would be great, thanks!
Ya I tried too!
"And now we have to build the scooper"
Every FNAF fan: 😱
I like how you literally just build a freaking robot out of lego and like at the end your mind I could just like read it it’s like this was like medium
I like how he just stands there while the Lego coffee machine takes for ever just to make one Little coffee even though he can just make it in just 2m🤣🤣
My question is do you still use it
FNaF fans when he says scooper: (0o0)
He passed kindetgarden MIT and now he's here making a lego coffee machine
Everyone has to agree, this is just amazing!
9:10 riley)what does it taste like?? ( ella coffe ( Riley) nice 😊
Hey Riley, I have been doing lego EV3 and tons of electronic builds with Lego maybe sometime we can do a collaboration
Hey Brick Science,
You are an absolute legend!!! Loved your videos. I do want to ask you something, though. How do you use that code to control the motors? Please help. Earned you a subscriber!!!!
Haven't even watched it yet, but it looks like he's gonna make a bomb powered by coffee.
Watched it, I was *absolutely correct.*
Maybe look at Dr. Engine’s video about milk crotchets to build one for cappuccinos. Could be for an interesting companion to your coffee maker.
Brick science 2050 “today I built a drivable Lego car”
My man can just build what he wants if he can't afford it
Pretty cool, btw do u use it actually?
This is amazing!
Great work Railey .And the idea of making a coffee mechine is very cool
You should turn on slow chat next time. It's kinda mind-melting trying to read the comments
I’m waiting
"Heck ya you should, it was friggin awesome!"
Will this work for tea?
100 years old has a lego doctor and lego assistants
“I am too lazy to make coffee in the morning”
*Builds a machine that takes time*
What does this mans house look like at this point
this is cool and all but there are some coffee machines that you can set to make coffee at a certain time so if you want to have it make Coffee at 7 AM you could do that
Hay man, good idea you should get a 3D printed bottle or 1/2 gallon jug, or multiple piped together and connect to your build.
1 little ity bity thing BLOCKS ISN'T CODING just sating yk
Can you please build a Lego incense holder?
It would honestly be easier to just wake up 10 minutes nice build tho😀
Can you make the among us wire task? And maybe you could team up with Mark Rober to make the ultimate squirrel maze 3.0
Another idea make a bus which has sliding door and they open when it stops